 Translation for 'aardvark' from English to Dutch
NOUN   an aardvark | aardvarks
SYNO aardvark | ant bear | anteater | ...
aardvarken {het} [Orycteropus afer]
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Translation for 'aardvark' from English to Dutch

aardvarken {het} [Orycteropus afer]zoöl.T
Usage Examples English
  • The word "aardvark" is Afrikaans for "earthpig" and reflects the look of the long nose of the aircraft that might remind one of the nose of the aardvark.
  • comic's aardvark created, which was named "Zott" (for the sound the aardvark made in the comic) and proudly displayed in the squadron's ready room afloat and ashore.
  • "Nobby the Aardvark" is a platform game taking place over multiple levels.
  • The usages "an aardvark" and "a bear" are grammatical, but the usages "**a aardvark" and "**an bear" are ungrammatical (as is marked with "**" in linguistics).
  • The only living species within Tubulidentata is the aardvark ("Orycteropus afer").

  • "The Ark and the Aardvark" (originally titled "Noah's Ark") is a 2024 upcoming English-language Swiss computer animated adventure comedy film directed by John Stevenson and written by Philip LaZebnik and Glen Dolman.
  • "Amphiorycteropus" (Latin for "near aardvark") or the wooly aardvark is an extinct genus of mammals in the family Orycteropodidae within Tubulidentata.
  • There is a curious association of "Cucumis humifructus" ("aardvark cucumber" or "aardvark pumpkin") with latrines of aardvarks.
  • Game animals include waterbuck, zebra, common warthog, aardvark, crocodile, bushpig and kudu.
  • When a user joined Aardvark, aardvark was added to the user's IM buddylist. Users submitted questions by email or IM.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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