 Translation for 'belfry' from English to Dutch
NOUN   a belfry | belfries
SYNO belfry | campanile
belfort {de}
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Translation for 'belfry' from English to Dutch

belfort {de}gesch.
Usage Examples English
  • Jaro Belfry. The belfry was used to serve as a watch tower against marauding Moros during Spanish times.
  • The Lakenhal (a cloth hall) and the 14th-century Belfry beside it are now incorporated with the modern City Hall complex on the main square.
  • The Hôtel de Ville in Arras and its belfry were constructed between 1463 and 1554 and had to be rebuilt in a slightly less grandiose style after World War I.
  • According to the memorial plaque of the churches attached to the belfry, the belfry dates from 1700.
  • Around 1682 a belfry was constructed to the south-east of the cathedral.

  • "Bats in the Belfry" is a 1942 American animated short film directed by Rudolf Ising and Jerry Brewer for MGM and released to theaters on July 4, 1942.
  • During the 2019 Luzon earthquake, the church's belfry collapsed. Rebuilding the belfry and repairing the church’s floor cost more than 10 million pesos.
  • On the left side is the older belfry, the tallest west belfry with four levels.
  • During the Soviet period, the church remained active and witnessed a major renovation in 1986 through the efforts of Catholicos Vazgen I, when a belfry was built at the entrance as it never had a belfry prior to this renovation.
  • The 79 m tall belfry is directly connected with the church’s massive dome. The belfry with great panoramic view, was unlike the church completed in Rococo forms in 1751–1756 by Anselmo Lurago.

  • On May 1, 2001, a historical marble marker was laid in the basilica's belfry and bell tower upon solemn dedication of the new Plaza de Beato Juan Pablo II and the new belfry by Bishop Artemio L.
  • The Kattekoers was created in 1934, initially as "The three belfry cities".
  • The village chapel with a belfry over its entrance is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It was built in the second half of the 19th century, with the belfry rebuilt at a later date.
  • The main landmark of Závist is a belfry from 1833. Next to the belfry is a cross from 1857.
  • Only a traditional masonry stone fence, its gate and a wooden belfry remain.

  • The church belfry dates from 1882, but it was constructed from beams from the previous belfry, dating from the mid-18th century. The bells were looted during the First World War by German Troops.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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