 Translation for 'lace bugs' from English to Dutch
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NOUN   a lace bug | lace bugs
netwantsen {mv} [familie Tingidae]
lace bugs
roofwantsen {mv} [familie Reduviidae]
assassin bugs
veter {de}
kant {de}
snoerento lace
kantstipspanner {de} [Scopula ornata] [nachtvlindersoort]
lace border [moth]
6 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • "Hesperotingis" is a genus of lace bugs in the family Tingidae. There are about eight described species in "Hesperotingis".
  • "Bako" is a genus of lace bugs in the family Tingidae. There are about nine described species in "Bako".
  • "Leptoypha minor" also known as the Arizona ash lace bug is a species of lace bugs in the family Tingidae.
  • "Acalypta elegans" is a species in the family Tingidae ("lace bugs"), in the order Hemiptera ("true bugs, cicadas, hoppers, aphids and allies").
  • Ypsotingini is a cosmopolitan tribe of lace bugs. Seven genera have been recorded.

  • "Aeopelys" is a monotypic genus of lace bugs, found in New Guinea. The sole species is "A. neata".
  • The Tinginae are a subfamily of lace bugs (family Tingidae). Three tribes were included in Froeschner's analysis.
  • The Tingidae are a family of very small (...) insects in the order Hemiptera that are commonly referred to as lace bugs. This group is distributed worldwide with about 2,000 described species.
  • "Copium" is a genus of lace bugs in the family Tingidae.
  • Litadeini [...] is a pan-tropical tribe of lace bugs. Thirteen genera have been recorded.

    © Dutch-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!