 Translation for 'village' from English to Dutch
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NOUN   a village | villages
SYNO Greenwich Village | hamlet | settlement | ...
dorp {het}village
2 Words: Nouns
alpendorp {het}
Alpine village
kunstenaarsdorp {het}
artists' village
grensdorp {het}
border village
kustdorp {het}
coastal village
containerdorp {het}
container village
boerendorp {het}farming village
vissersdorp {het}fishermen's village
vissersdorp {het}fishing village
spookdorp {het}ghost village
vakantiedorp {het}
holiday village
geboortedorp {het}home village
bergdorp {het}
mountain village
geboortedorp {het}native village
buurdorp {het}neighboring village [Am.]
buurdorp {het}neighbouring village [Br.]
toeristendorp {het}
tourist village
Vikingdorp {het}
Viking village
dorpssmid {de}
village blacksmith
dorpskerkhof {het}village cemetery
dorpscentrum {het}village center [Am.]
dorpskern {de}village centre [Br.]
dorpscentrum {het}village centre [Br.]
dorpskind {het}village child
dorpskerk {de}
village church
dorpsgemeente {de}village commune
dorpsgemeenschap {de}village community
dorpsarts {de}
village doctor
dorpsdokter {de}
village doctor
dorpsfeest {het}village festival
dorpsidioot {de}village idiot
dorpsleven {het}village life
dorpsbevolking {de}village population
dorpsbewoners {mv}village residents
dorpsschool {de}
village school
dorpswinkel {de}village shop [Br.]
dorpssmid {de}
village smith
dorpsstraat {de}village street
wijndorp {het}
wine village
3 Words: Nouns
vissersdorp {het}village of fishermen
wijndorp {het}
wine-growing village
4 Words: Nouns
dorpscentrum {het}center of the village [Am.]
dorpscentrum {het}centre of the village [Br.]
alpendorp {het}
village in the Alps
44 translations
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Translation for 'village' from English to Dutch

dorp {het}

Alpine village
alpendorp {het}geogr.
artists' village
kunstenaarsdorp {het}kunst
border village
grensdorp {het}geogr.
coastal village
kustdorp {het}geogr.
container village
containerdorp {het}vastg.
farming village
boerendorp {het}
fishermen's village
vissersdorp {het}
fishing village
vissersdorp {het}
ghost village
spookdorp {het}
holiday village
vakantiedorp {het}toerisme
home village
geboortedorp {het}
mountain village
bergdorp {het}geogr.
native village
geboortedorp {het}
neighboring village [Am.]
buurdorp {het}
neighbouring village [Br.]
buurdorp {het}
tourist village
toeristendorp {het}reisw.toerisme
Viking village
Vikingdorp {het}archeo.geogr.gesch.
village blacksmith
dorpssmid {de}werk
village cemetery
dorpskerkhof {het}
village center [Am.]
dorpscentrum {het}
village centre [Br.]
dorpskern {de}

dorpscentrum {het}
village child
dorpskind {het}
village church
dorpskerk {de}archi.relig.
village commune
dorpsgemeente {de}
village community
dorpsgemeenschap {de}
village doctor
dorpsarts {de}genees.

dorpsdokter {de}genees.
village festival
dorpsfeest {het}
village idiot
dorpsidioot {de}
village life
dorpsleven {het}
village population
dorpsbevolking {de}
village residents
dorpsbewoners {mv}
village school
dorpsschool {de}opl.
village shop [Br.]
dorpswinkel {de}
village smith
dorpssmid {de}werk
village street
dorpsstraat {de}
wine village
wijndorp {het}geogr.wijnk.

village of fishermen
vissersdorp {het}
wine-growing village
wijndorp {het}geogr.wijnk.

center of the village [Am.]
dorpscentrum {het}
centre of the village [Br.]
dorpscentrum {het}
village in the Alps
alpendorp {het}geogr.
Usage Examples English
  • The village has one pub (the Dunton Bassett Arms), a primary school and village hall.
  • The Dzongka township contains six villages in addition to its own town community: Phula, Jiamu village, Gong village, Tsalung (Zalong), Xia village, and Orma (Woma village).
  • Umuariabuo is a kindred in Umuosu village Naze community. It shares a boundary with Egbu community, Umuakali Village, Umuorie village and Umuezuo Village.
  • Neither village nor civil township is a type of civil division in the State of Colorado.
  • Bridgeland's master plan consists of four distinct villages: Lakeland Village, Creekland Village, Prairieland Village and Parkland Village.

  • Kanashima Village was formed in 1889 as a result of the merging of five villages: Akutsu Village, Kanai Village, Kawashima Village, Nanboku Village, and Ubashima Village.
  • Shirakata village merged the Shirae village and it was Iwase village in 1955.
  • The Park have major five Areas named as Explorer village, Arabian Desert Safari, Asian Village, African Village and Wadi Village.
  • This village has two village administrative officers even though a single revenue village.
  • Documented historical name of the village has been called the Nahamod that happens to the Timurid period.

  • Documented historical name of the village has been called the world that happens to the Timurid period.
  • The village was founded by merging three former villages in 1925.
  • This village is located on the road from village Rawal-pindi to village Panchhata.
  • Several villages were flooded by the reservoir, including Tai Lam Village (...), Tai Wai Village, Kan Uk Tei Village (...) and Wu Uk Village.
  • Drakna is a farming village on the bank of Maquan River at an elevation of [...].

  • Nacula Island has 4 native villages, in descending order of size; Nacula village, Malakati village, Naisisili village and Navotua village.
  • in Virginia Beach, the university is separated into four villages.
  • Below is a list of polling units of the Independent National Electoral Commission, including villages and schools, organised by electoral ward: Umuire - Village Hall; Umuezechi - Village Hall; Omoba - Omoba Motor Park; Umuokoroukwu - Village Hall; Umuokea - Village Hall; Omoba - Central School; Umuagu - Village Hall; Umugba - Village Hall; Umuokegwu (I) - Village Hall; Amapu - Village Hall; Umuekegwu Village Hall.; Umuamosi - Village Hall; Egbelu - Egbelu Umuokegwu Village Hall.
  • In February 2002, Qingquan Village and Longgang Village were combined to be Kunni Village; Songshan Village and Nanshan Village were merged into Songan Village; Zhonghe Village, Juexin Village and Haifeng Village were merged into Yongning Village; Nandu Village was divided into Nandu Village and Nanhua Village.
© Dutch-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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