 Translation for 'CO2' from English to Finnish
NOUN   CO2 | -
SYNO carbon dioxide | carbonic acid gas | CO2
hiilidioksidipäästö {noun}
CO2 emission
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Translation for 'CO2' from English to Finnish

CO2 emission
hiilidioksidipäästö {noun}ekol.
Usage Examples English
  • However, no CO2 is removed during apnea. The partial pressure of CO2 in the airspace of the lungs will quickly equilibrate with that of the blood.
  • Marine ecosystems are a major sink for atmospheric CO2 and take up similar amount of CO2 as terrestrial ecosystems, currently accounting for the removal of nearly one third of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from the atmosphere.
  • Biological processes such as respiration and photosynthesis affect and can be affected by aquatic "p"CO2.
  • The Alliance for CO2 Solutions claims, however that the initial costs of CO2 systems will be around €5 higher than drop-in solutions and that over a car's life cycle, CO2 air conditioning systems will be more cost-efficient than any currently used or proposed new chemical blends.
  • Pressurised CO2 in the keg's headspace maintains carbonation in the beer.

  • 1 Tg CO2. The estimates of Burton "et al." (2013) of 540 Tg CO2/year take into account diffuse CO2 emissions from volcanic regions.
  • RGGI establishes a regional cap on the amount of CO2 pollution that power plants can emit by issuing a limited number of tradable CO2 allowances.
  • The necessary CO2 would be captured from fossil fuel burning power plants and other industrial flue gases including cement factories.
  • The mass-independent distribution of isotopes in stratospheric ozone can be transferred to carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Carbon dioxide is produced continuously as the body's cells respire, and this CO2 will accumulate rapidly if the lungs do not adequately expel it through alveolar ventilation.

  • Yeast is often used by aquarium hobbyists to generate carbon dioxide (CO2) to nourish plants in planted aquaria.
  • At present, only schemes isolating fossil CO2 from natural gas actually use carbon storage, (e.g., Sleipner gas field), but there are many plans for future CCS schemes involving pre- or post- combustion CO2.
  • In contrast to terrestrial plants, where CO2 diffusion in air is relatively fast and typically not limiting, diffusion of dissolved CO2 in water is considerably slower and can often limit carbon fixation in phytoplankton.
  • For the total CO2 emission in 2018, France ranked number 19 in the world with a total of 330Mt CO2 emitted, just below Poland with 340Mt CO2 emitted and the United Kingdom with 370Mt CO2 emitted.
  • Terrestrial ecosystems have reduced atmospheric CO2 concentrations and have partially mitigated climate change effects.

  • The major issue with the CO2 frost model is trying to explain the erosion of rocks.
  • CO2 de-scrubber: The above potassium carbonate solution (enriched with CO2) is then sent to the CO2 de-scrubber where CO2 is de-scrubbed by stepwise (usually two steps) flashing.
  • Liquid CO2 washing, like supercritical fluid CO2 washing, relies on the high solvent power of CO2, [...] but at lower temperatures and pressures, the latter making it simpler to implement.
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