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Usage Examples English
- "Rhododendron minus" var. "chapmanii" (syn. "Rhododendron chapmanii"), also known as Chapman's rhododendron, is an endangered variety, endemic to Florida, of the evergreen Piedmont rhododendron.
- West Virginia's state flower, the American rhododendron ("Rhododendron maximum"), grows in thick clusters along the lower mountainside of Ice Mountain.
- He died in Larvik. A species of rhododendron is named after him: "Rhododendron amundsenianum".
- Common shrubs include: Winterberry ("Ilex montana"), flame azalea ("Rhododendron calendulaceum"), catawba rhododendron ("Rhododendron catawbiense"), and great rhododendron ("Rhododendron maximum").
- Relict species Caucasian rhododendron is also noteworthy, growing on the northern slopes of the Pambak mountains.
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