 Translation for 'hagiography' from English to Finnish
NOUN   a hagiography | hagiographies
hagiografia {noun}
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Translation for 'hagiography' from English to Finnish

hagiografia {noun}kirj.usk.
Usage Examples English
  • The Vita Anskarii is a hagiographical text. Hagiography generally tends to be an idealised account, focusing only on the positive aspects of the saint’s life.
  • 14th century) edited many important works including the edition and translation into French of the hagiography known as the "Legenda Sanctorum" "(Golden Legend)".
  • Morin wrote numerous scientific articles in patristics, liturgy, hagiography, archaeology, church and order history.
  • Hagiography in Islam began in the Arabic language with biographical writing about the Prophet Muhammad in the 8th century CE, a tradition known as "sīra".
  • Her existing hagiography, written between about 450 and 500, is of no historical value and the relations it attributes to Susanna are entirely fictitious.

  • Liturgical drama refers to medieval forms of dramatic performance that use stories from the Bible or Christian hagiography.
  • Follieri devoted herself essentially to Byzantine religious literature, and particularly hagiography.
  • The film was panned by critics, who termed it a hagiography and criticized Oberoi's performance.
  • Hagiography is the literary genre of biographies about holy people.
  • Fifth, the later-attested hagiography for Yuzi 玉子 Jade Master includes "fenxing" in a list of supernatural abilities.

  • John VIII wrote a hagiography of Saint Eugenios of Trebizond.
  • Hagiography is the body of literature that describes the lives, work and veneration of the saints.
  • He also wrote a verse hagiography of his patron Queen Radegund (continued by the nun Baudovinia).
  • The main sources on Nicetas are his hagiography and the "synaxaria".
  • ... AD 480) was a cleric from what is now the Auvergne in modern-day France, who wrote the "Vita Germani", or Life of Germanus, a hagiography of Germanus of Auxerre.

  • The preface includes the "Hagiography of St. Simeon", a hagiography (or biography) on his father, Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja, who was canonized.
  • Recent evidence suggests that Padmasambhava already figured in spiritual hagiography and ritual, and was already seen as the enlightened source of tantric scriptures up to 200 years before Nyangrel Nyima Özer (1136–1204), [...] the primary source of the traditional hagiography of Padmasambhava.
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