Translation for '
cavil' from English to French
NOUN | a cavil | cavils | |
VERB | to cavil | cavilled / caviled | cavilled / caviled [Br.+Am. / Am. only] cavilling / caviling | cavils | |
SYNO | cavil | quibble | quiddity | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Aboard the Hub, the Cylon known as Brother Cavil "unboxes" or reactivates the Number Three known as D'Anna Biers.
- As D'Anna resurrects, Cavil is present, displeased with her for disregarding the Cylon taboo against seeking out the Final Five, which he himself programmed to cover up his tracks.
- He later seeks religious counseling from a priest named Brother Cavil.
- Later Taylor said: "The enduring merits of the book are really beyond cavil.
- All cavil apart, the first 60 are easily identified in Baius' printed works, and the remaining 19 –"tales quae vulgo circumferrentur", says an old manuscript copy of the Bull "Ex omnibus"– represent the oral teaching of the Baianist wing.
- The communities around the town of Ishasha, DRC have suffered multiple dislocations during the last 30 years, starting with the First Congo War in the late 1990s, followed by the Second Congo War in the early 2000s and the subsequent cavil unrest in the eastern part of the country, as a result of multiple armed insurgencies and insurrections.
- Cavil is aloof compared to the other models, though Boomer implies that Cavil has begun teaching her his views that Cylons should not emulate humanity.
- Incidentally it carries quite a lot of advertisements and is sold for 2d, a price at which no one can cavil at if value is given".
- Cavil assures Tyrol he is no Cylon, joking "I've never seen you at any of the [...] meetings."
© French-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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