 Translation for 'knee' from English to French
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NOUN   a knee | knees
VERB   to knee | kneed | kneed
kneeing | knees
SYNO articulatio genus | genu | human knee | ...
genou {m}
knee [Genu]
2 Words: Nouns
haut-de-chausse {m}(knee) breeches
genou {m} plié
bent knee
genou {m} cagneux [Genu valgum]
flexion {f} des genoux
knee bend
jointure {f} du genou
knee joint
articulation {f} du genou [Articulatio genus]
knee joint
renfort {m} (de genou)
knee patch
fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]
knee pit [coll.]
genouillère {f}
knee protector
mi-bas {m}
knee sock
chaussette {f} montante
knee sock
genou {m} en X [Genu valgum]
genou {m} cagneux [Genu valgum]
3 Words: Others
au-dessus du genou {adv}above the knee
3 Words: Verbs
fléchir le genouto bend one's knee
faire une génuflexionto bend the knee [literary]
se meurtrir le genou
to bruise one's knee
se déboîter le genou
to dislocate one's knee
faire des génuflexions
to do knee bends
faire des squats [génuflexions]
to do knee bends
s'égratigner le genou
to scrape one's knee
s'égratigner le genou
to scratch one's knee
s'égratigner le genou
to skin one's knee
3 Words: Nouns
luxation {f} du genou
dislocation of knee
mi-bas {m}
knee-length sock
chaussette {f} montante
knee-length sock
4 Words: Verbs
filer un coup de genou à qn. dans les couilles [fam.] [loc.]
to knee sb. in the balls [coll.]
fesser qn.
to put sb. over one's knee [idiom]
4 Words: Nouns
creux {m} du genou
back of the knee
fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]
back of the knee
creux {m} du genou
hollow of the knee
fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]
hollow of the knee
5+ Words: Verbs
ressentir une gêne à l'articulation du genou
to feel some discomfort in one's knee joint
se mettre à genoux devant go down on bended knee to sb.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
œdicnème {m} tachard [Burhinus capensis]
Cape thick-knee
œdicnème {m} bistrié [Burhinus bistriatus]
double-striped thick-knee
œdicnème {m} criard [Burhinus oedicnemus]
Eurasian thick-knee
œdicnème {m} eurasien [Burhinus oedicnemus]
Eurasian thick-knee
œdicnème {m} du Sénégal [Burhinus senegalensis]
Senegal thick-knee
œdicnème {m} tachard [Burhinus capensis]
spotted thick-knee
41 translations
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Translation for 'knee' from English to French

knee [Genu]
genou {m}anat.

(knee) breeches
haut-de-chausse {m}
bent knee
genou {m} pliéanat.
genou {m} cagneux [Genu valgum]anat.méd.
knee bend
flexion {f} des
knee joint
jointure {f} du genouanat.

articulation {f} du genou [Articulatio genus]anat.
knee patch
renfort {m} (de genou)vêt.
knee pit [coll.]
fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]anat.
knee protector
genouillère {f}sportvêt.
knee sock
mi-bas {m}vêt.

chaussette {f} montantevêt.
genou {m} en X [Genu valgum]anat.méd.

genou {m} cagneux [Genu valgum]anat.méd.

above the knee
au-dessus du genou {adv}

to bend one's knee
fléchir le genou
to bend the knee [literary]
faire une génuflexion
to bruise one's knee
se meurtrir le genouanat.méd.
to dislocate one's knee
se déboîter le genouanat.méd.
to do knee bends
faire des génuflexionssport

faire des squats [génuflexions]sport
to scrape one's knee
s'égratigner le genouanat.méd.
to scratch one's knee
s'égratigner le genouanat.méd.
to skin one's knee
s'égratigner le genouanat.méd.

dislocation of knee
luxation {f} du genouanat.méd.
knee-length sock
mi-bas {m}vêt.

chaussette {f} montantevêt.

to knee sb. in the balls [coll.]
filer un coup de genou à qn. dans les couilles [fam.] [loc.]anat.
to put sb. over one's knee [idiom]
fesser qn.dr.

back of the knee
creux {m} du genouanat.

fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]anat.
hollow of the knee
creux {m} du genouanat.

fosse {f} poplitée [Fossa poplitea]anat.

to feel some discomfort in one's knee joint
ressentir une gêne à l'articulation du genouanat.méd.
to go down on bended knee to sb.
se mettre à genoux devant qn.

Cape thick-knee
œdicnème {m} tachard [Burhinus capensis]orn.T
double-striped thick-knee
œdicnème {m} bistrié [Burhinus bistriatus]orn.T
Eurasian thick-knee
œdicnème {m} criard [Burhinus oedicnemus]orn.T

œdicnème {m} eurasien [Burhinus oedicnemus]orn.T
Senegal thick-knee
œdicnème {m} du Sénégal [Burhinus senegalensis]orn.T
spotted thick-knee
œdicnème {m} tachard [Burhinus capensis]orn.T
Usage Examples English
  • Barztokas played professional basketball in the Maroussi club, before some serious knee injuries (torn right knee ACL and later torn left knee ACL) ended his career at age 27.
  • The later part of Bagé's career was disrupted by knee injuries: an anterior cruciate ligament injury to her right knee in July 2013, followed by an identical injury in the left knee in April 2017 and a torn knee cartilage in October 2018.
  • On March 18, 2016, Welke announced his retirement after undergoing knee replacement surgery on one knee and a planned second surgery on the other knee.
  • Complications may include injury to the tibia, femur, or knee ligaments.
  • A knee examination should be undertaken in the ipsilateral knee to rule-out knee pathology.

  • An LCL injury usually occurs simultaneously as the other ligaments of the knee are injured.
  • The curved knee (also sometimes called a side knee or roundhouse knee) is similar to the front knee except that it does not use a forward thrusting motion, but is instead rotated from the outside.
  • Popliteus is also attached to the lateral meniscus in the knee and draws it posteriorly during knee flexion to prevent crushing the meniscus between the tibia and femur as the knee flexes.
  • After years of chronic knee pain, Funk underwent a total knee replacement in 2009.
  • Rheumatoid knee commonly presents as valgus knee. Osteoarthritis knee may also sometimes present with valgus deformity though varus deformity is common.

  • A knee strike (commonly referred to simply as a knee) is a strike with the knee, either with the kneecap or the surrounding area.
  • Over the years, she had four knee surgeries on her knee before she had replaced it in 1993 by Dr.
  • Medial knee injury is usually caused by a valgus knee force, a tibial external rotation force, or a combination thereof.
  • Knee buckles are used to fasten the knee-high boots just below the level of the knee.
  • Genu recurvatum is a deformity in the knee joint, so that the knee bends backwards.

  • A KAFO can be roughly divided into three variants, which essentially differ in the function of the mechanical knee joint used, "knee joint locked", "knee joint unlocked" or "knee joint locked and unlocked".
  • In 2008, Van's knee cartilage was crushed on the landing of a practice jump; she underwent knee surgery and five months of intense rehab.
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