 Translation for 'to back sth' from English to French
appuyer qn./qc. [fig.] [candidat, demande]to back sb./sth. [support] [candidate, request]
donner son aval pour qc. [l'approuver, l'autoriser]to back sth. [approve]
jouer qc. [cheval]
to back sth. [horse]
2 Words: Verbs
accompagner qn./ back (up) sb./sth. [support]
reculer qc. [voiture]
to back sth. up
confirmer qc. [idée, déclaration, théorie]to back sth. up [confirm claim, theory]
sauvegarder qc. [données]
to back sth. up [data]
faire reculer back up sth.
retenir qc. [exclamation]to bite sth. back [fig.]
ramener qn./ bring sb./sth. back
rétablir bring sth. back
rapporter qc. [ici]to bring sth. back
raviver qc. [mémoire, souvenir]to bring sth. back
racheter qc.
to buy sth. back
se faire rembourser qc. [dépenses]
to claim sth. back
tailler qc. [haie]
to cut back sth. [hedge]
refouler qn./ drive sb./sth. back
repousser qn./qc. [attaquant, foule, manifestants, animal]to drive sb./sth. back [push back]
replier qc. [drap]to fold sth. back
faire un repli à qc . [sur un poignet]to fold sth. back
récupérer qc. [retrouver, recouvrer]to get sth. back
retourner give sth. back
retenir qn./qc. [cheveux, volet, chien, personne]to hold sb./sth. back
ne pas divulguer hold sth. back
réprimer qc. [colère]to hold sth. back
étouffer qc. [soupir, juron, cri]to hold sth. back
différer qc. [paiement, remboursement]
to hold sth. back
siffler qc. [boire] [fam.]
to knock sth. back [coll.]
écluser qc. [fam.] [péj.] [boire avidement]
to knock sth. back [coll.] [drink greedily]
reculer qc. [vase, lampe]
to move sth. back
thésauriser qc.
to plough sth. back [Br.] [profits]
thésauriser qc.
to plow sth. back [Am.] [profits]
replier qc. [armée]
to pull sth. back [e.g. army]
racheter purchase sth. back [buy back]
repousser push sth. back
faire refluer qc. [foule]to push sth. back
reculer qc. [meuble]
to push sth. back
refouler qc. [repousser]to push sth. back [enemy, crowd]
replacer put sth. back
reculer qc. [dans le temps]to put sth. back [date, event etc.]
retarder qc. [horloge]
to put sth. back [e.g. a clock]
repousser qc. [départ, rendez-vous]to put sth. back [postpone]
retourner qc. [renvoyer]to send sth. back
renvoyer send sth. back [data, goods etc.]
retirer take sth. back
rapporter qc. [là-bas]to take sth. back
remporter qc. [reprendre]to take sth. back
reprendre qc. [cadeau, objet prêté]to take sth. back
renvoyer qc. [projectile, ballon]to throw sth. back
regagner qn./ win back sb./sth.
reconquérir qc. [droit]to win sth. back
3 Words: Verbs
accompagner qc. de back up sth. with sth.
ramener qn./qc. à bring sb./sth. back to sth.
rendre qc. [fam.] [vomir]
to bring sth. (back) up [idiom] [vomit]
rapporter qc. de qn./qc. [là-bas]to bring sth. back from sb./sth.
rapporter qc. à qn. [ici]to bring sth. back to sb.
remonter qc. [escalier]to climb back up sth.
retraverser cross back over sth.
rogner sur qc. [budget]
to cut back on sth.
dater de date back to sth.
remonter (qc.) [à vélo, en véhicule]to drive back up (sth.)
acculer qn. contre drive sb. back against sth.
recourir à fall back on sth.
se replier sur fall back on sth.
regagner qc. [hôtel, appartement, etc.]to get back to sth. [hotel, flat etc.]
ressortir get sth. back out
rendre qc. à give sth. back to sb.
redonner qc. à qn. [rendre]to give sth. back to sb.
rendre qc. à qn./ give sth. back to sb./sth.
reprendre qc. [promesse]to go back on sth.
revenir sur qc. [décision, promesse]to go back on sth.
revenir sur qc. [question]to go back over sth.
remonter (qc.)to go back up (sth.)
raccrocher hang sth. back up
se dépêcher à hurry back to sth.
s'empresser de retourner à hurry back to sth. [place]
éloigner qn./qc. de qn./ keep sb./sth. back from sb./sth.
se retourner vers qn./ look back at sb./sth.
rembourser qn. de qc.
to pay sb. back for sth.
replacer qc. dans put sth. back in sth.
remettre qc. dans qc. [replacer]to put sth. back in sth.
replacer qc. sur put sth. back on sth.
remettre qc. sur qc. [replacer]to put sth. back on sth.
remonter qc. [remettre en haut]to put sth. back up
remonter qc. [fleuve, canal]to sail back up sth.
se caler dans qc. [chaise]to settle back in sth.
se caler dans qc. [chaise]to sit back in sth.
remonter qn./qc. [à l'étage]to take sb./sth. back upstairs
rapporter qc. à qn. [là-bas]to take sth. back to sb.
repasser qc. dans son espritto think back over sth.
se reporter en arrière à think back to sth.
se reporter à qc. [revenir en pensée]to think back to sth.
relancer qc. [balle]to throw sth. back (again)
4 Words: Verbs
se crever la paillasse à faire qc. [loc.]to break one's back doing sth. [idiom]
remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas]to bring sb./sth. back up from sth.
remettre qc. au goût du jourto bring sth. back into fashion
réintroduire bring sth. back into use
revenir (pour) faire come back to do sth.
se venger de qc. sur get back at sb. for sth.
revoir qc. [vérifier]to go (back) over sth. again [coll.] [idiom]
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Translation for 'to back sth' from English to French

to back sb./sth. [support] [candidate, request]
appuyer qn./qc. [fig.] [candidat, demande]
to back sth. [approve]
donner son aval pour qc. [l'approuver, l'autoriser]
to back sth. [horse]
jouer qc. [cheval]équi.

to back (up) sb./sth. [support]
accompagner qn./qc.
to back sth. up
reculer qc. [voiture]auto
to back sth. up [confirm claim, theory]
confirmer qc. [idée, déclaration, théorie]
to back sth. up [data]
sauvegarder qc. [données]inform.
to back up sth.
faire reculer qc.
to bite sth. back [fig.]
retenir qc. [exclamation]
to bring sb./sth. back
ramener qn./qc.
to bring sth. back
rétablir qc.

rapporter qc. [ici]

raviver qc. [mémoire, souvenir]
to buy sth. back
racheter qc.fin.
to claim sth. back
se faire rembourser qc. [dépenses]fin.
to cut back sth. [hedge]
tailler qc. [haie]hort.
to drive sb./sth. back
refouler qn./qc.
to drive sb./sth. back [push back]
repousser qn./qc. [attaquant, foule, manifestants, animal]
to fold sth. back
replier qc. [drap]

faire un repli à qc . [sur un poignet]
to get sth. back
récupérer qc. [retrouver, recouvrer]
to give sth. back
retourner qc.
to hold sb./sth. back
retenir qn./qc. [cheveux, volet, chien, personne]
to hold sth. back
ne pas divulguer qc.

réprimer qc. [colère]

étouffer qc. [soupir, juron, cri]

différer qc. [paiement, remboursement]fin.
to knock sth. back [coll.]
siffler qc. [boire] [fam.]cuis.
to knock sth. back [coll.] [drink greedily]
écluser qc. [fam.] [péj.] [boire avidement]cuis.
to move sth. back
reculer qc. [vase, lampe]meub.
to plough sth. back [Br.] [profits]
thésauriser qc.compt.fin.
to plow sth. back [Am.] [profits]
thésauriser qc.compt.fin.
to pull sth. back [e.g. army]
replier qc. [armée]mil.
to purchase sth. back [buy back]
racheter qc.
to push sth. back
repousser qc.

faire refluer qc. [foule]

reculer qc. [meuble]meub.
to push sth. back [enemy, crowd]
refouler qc. [repousser]
to put sth. back
replacer qc.
to put sth. back [date, event etc.]
reculer qc. [dans le temps]
to put sth. back [e.g. a clock]
retarder qc. [horloge]horl.
to put sth. back [postpone]
repousser qc. [départ, rendez-vous]
to send sth. back
retourner qc. [renvoyer]
to send sth. back [data, goods etc.]
renvoyer qc.
to take sth. back
retirer qc.

rapporter qc. [là-bas]

remporter qc. [reprendre]

reprendre qc. [cadeau, objet prêté]
to throw sth. back
renvoyer qc. [projectile, ballon]
to win back sb./sth.
regagner qn./qc.
to win sth. back
reconquérir qc. [droit]

to back up sth. with sth.
accompagner qc. de qc.
to bring sb./sth. back to sth.
ramener qn./qc. à qc.
to bring sth. (back) up [idiom] [vomit]
rendre qc. [fam.] [vomir]méd.
to bring sth. back from sb./sth.
rapporter qc. de qn./qc. [là-bas]
to bring sth. back to sb.
rapporter qc. à qn. [ici]
to climb back up sth.
remonter qc. [escalier]
to cross back over sth.
retraverser qc.
to cut back on sth.
rogner sur qc. [budget]écon.fin.
to date back to sth.
dater de qc.
to drive back up (sth.)
remonter (qc.) [à vélo, en véhicule]
to drive sb. back against sth.
acculer qn. contre qc.
to fall back on sth.
recourir à qc.

se replier sur qc.
to get back to sth. [hotel, flat etc.]
regagner qc. [hôtel, appartement, etc.]
to get sth. back out
ressortir qc.
to give sth. back to sb.
rendre qc. à qn.

redonner qc. à qn. [rendre]
to give sth. back to sb./sth.
rendre qc. à qn./qc.
to go back on sth.
reprendre qc. [promesse]

revenir sur qc. [décision, promesse]
to go back over sth.
revenir sur qc. [question]
to go back up (sth.)
remonter (qc.)
to hang sth. back up
raccrocher qc.
to hurry back to sth.
se dépêcher à qc.
to hurry back to sth. [place]
s'empresser de retourner à qc.
to keep sb./sth. back from sb./sth.
éloigner qn./qc. de qn./qc.
to look back at sb./sth.
se retourner vers qn./qc.
to pay sb. back for sth.
rembourser qn. de qc.comm.fin.
to put sth. back in sth.
replacer qc. dans qc.

remettre qc. dans qc. [replacer]
to put sth. back on sth.
replacer qc. sur qc.

remettre qc. sur qc. [replacer]
to put sth. back up
remonter qc. [remettre en haut]
to sail back up sth.
remonter qc. [fleuve, canal]
to settle back in sth.
se caler dans qc. [chaise]
to sit back in sth.
se caler dans qc. [chaise]
to take sb./sth. back upstairs
remonter qn./qc. [à l'étage]
to take sth. back to sb.
rapporter qc. à qn. [là-bas]
to think back over sth.
repasser qc. dans son esprit
to think back to sth.
se reporter en arrière à qc.

se reporter à qc. [revenir en pensée]
to throw sth. back (again)
relancer qc. [balle]

to break one's back doing sth. [idiom]
se crever la paillasse à faire qc. [loc.]
to bring sb./sth. back up from sth.
remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas]
to bring sth. back into fashion
remettre qc. au goût du jour
to bring sth. back into use
réintroduire qc.
to come back to do sth.
revenir (pour) faire qc.
to get back at sb. for sth.
se venger de qc. sur qn.
to go (back) over sth. again [coll.] [idiom]
revoir qc. [vérifier]
Usage Examples English
  • Although they failed to make the playoffs in 2009 the team rallied to win their final three regular-season games to record back-to-back winning seasons for the first time in franchise history.
  • He persuaded his mother's brothers to encourage the people of Shechem to back him in a plot to overthrow his family rule and make him sole ruler.
  • Vowel letters are also grouped in pairs—of unrounded and rounded vowel sounds—with these pairs also arranged from front on the left to back on the right, and from maximal closure at top to minimal closure at bottom.
  • The 1996–97 season featured back-to-back series with India.
  • In articulation and often diachronically, palatal approximants correspond to front vowels, velar approximants to back vowels, and labialized approximants to rounded vowels.

  • In 2001, the party experienced a further crisis as some Green Members of Parliament refused to back the government's plan of sending military personnel to help with the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.
  • All three of their playoff appearances came as wild card teams, making them one of two MLB franchises (along with the Colorado Rockies) to have never won a division title, as well as the only franchise to have never appeared in back-to-back postseasons.
  • In addition to back problems, the breed is prone to patellar luxation where the kneecap can become dislodged.
  • Coupled with the 5–11 season in 2017, the Broncos had back-to-back losing seasons for the first time since 1971–1972.
  • There are many ways to back up files. Most computer systems provide utility programs to assist in the back-up process, which can become very time-consuming if there are many files to safeguard.

  • The ray cast is a vector that can originate from the camera or from the scene endpoint ("back to front", or "front to back").
  • Convinced that Stephen's syndicate was up to the task, Tupper convinced the cabinet to back the plan at a meeting in June 1880 and, together with Macdonald, negotiated a contract with the syndicate in October.
  • These electrical properties, however, do not depend on whether the hexagonal lattice is rolled from its back to front or from its front to back and hence are the same for the tube and its mirror image.
  • By 1845, passengers were being accommodated on the curved roofs, seated back to back in a configuration known as 'knife-board'.
  • No one was going to back a PCL club building a major-league size stadium if the National or the American League was going to build one too, which discouraged investment in PCL ballparks.

  • They have 10–32 trunk segments, decreasing in size from front to back, and each bears a pair of legs which also carry gills.
  • The application of vowel harmony gives two different suffixes: "-tól" and "-től". These are applied to back-vowel and front-vowel words, respectively.
  • It was the first time since AT&T Stadium had opened back in 2009 that the Cowboys were able to defeat the Giants at home.
  • Some cash drawers are designed to store notes upright & facing forward, instead of the traditional flat and front to back position.
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