 Translation for 'together' from English to French
ADJ   together | more together | most together
SYNO in concert | together | unitedly
ensemble {adv}together
solidaire {adj}together
l'un à l'autre {adv}together
en tout {adv}together [in total]
en commun {adv}together <tog.>
2 Words: Others
tous ensemble {adv}all together [in a group]
tous en chœur {adv}all together [in chorus / unison]
entre accolades {adj}
bracketed together
regroupant {adj} {pres-p}bringing together
rassemblant {adj} {pres-p}bringing together
rapproché {adj} [espace, temps]close together
plié {adj} {past-p} [papier, carton]folded together
ficelé {adj} [spectacle]put together
au total {adv}taken together
conjointement avec {prep}together with
en compagnie de {prep}together with [accompanied by]
2 Words: Verbs
entrer en collisionto bang together
se fondre ensemble [couleurs, saveurs]to blend (together)
se mélangerto blend together
réunir qn./qc. [assembler]to bring sb./sth. together
regrouper qc. [personnes]to bring sth. together
entrer en collisionto bump together
réunir qn./qc. [convoquer]to call sb./sth. together
se cotiserto club together [Br.]
s'agglutinerto clump (together)
s'agglutinerto cluster together
se regrouperto cluster together
bricoler cobble sth. together [assemble clumsily]
s'assemblerto come together
se rassemblerto come together
se concerterto consult together
s'agglutinerto crowd together
réunir qc. [en tirant]to draw sth. together
to flow together [rivers]
fusionner qc. [idées]to fuse sth. together
masser qc. [personnes]to gather sth. together
regrouper qc. [personnes]to gather sth. together
réunir qc. [documents, papiers]to gather sth. together
se rassemblerto gather together
s'agglomérerto gather together
réunir qn./qc. [assembler]to get sb./sth. together
s'assemblerto get together
se réunir [amis, parents]to get together
agglutiner qc. [materiaux]to glue sth. together
s'accorderto go together
se combiner [couleurs]
to go together
s'unir [fig.] [couleurs]
to go together
regrouper qc. [objets, mots]to group sth. together
se regrouperto group together
se rejoindre [os]
to grow together [bones]
rassembler qc. [mouton, bétail]
to herd sth. together [sheep, cattle]
se regrouperto herd together
s'agglutinerto huddle together
remembrer join sth. together
se ressouder [os]
to knit (together)
se souder
to knit (together) [heal broken bones]
bricoler qc. [fam.] [péj.]to knock sth. together [coll.]
nouer qc. ensembleto knot sth. together
ligoter lash sth. together
vivre ensembleto live together
mettre sur pied qc. [créer]to pull sth. together [get off the ground] [idiom]
faire un effortto pull together
composer qc. [programme, menu]to put sth. together
assembler put sth. together [assemble]
rédiger qc. [bulletin]to put sth. together [e.g. newsletter]
river qc. [plaque]to rivet sth. together
faire blocto side together
agrafer staple sth. (together)
collerto stick together
s'agglutiner [matériaux]to stick together
être solidaireto stick together [coll.]
concocter qc. rapidement [compromis]
to stitch sth. together [coll.]
étudier de concert
to study together
travailler solidairementto work together
2 Words: Nouns
regroupement {m} [de personnes]bringing together
cueillette {f} [d'idées] [fig.]gathering together
réunion {f} [rencontre]get-together
regroupement {m} [de provinces]grouping together
vivre-ensemble {m}living together
assemblage {m} [de pièces, vêtement]
sewing together
3 Words: Others
à pieds joints {adv}with feet together
3 Words: Verbs
être scellé l'un à l'autreto be bound together [fig.]
s'agglomérerto be grouped together
être réuni à come together at sth.
bien se marierto come together nicely
trouver un terrain d'entente [loc.]to get it together [coll.] [idiom]
s'organiserto get it together [idiom]
s'accorder [s'entendre]to get on together
s'accorder [couleurs]to go (together) well
se regrouper autour de group together around sb.
vivre à la colle [fam.]to live together with sb.
se mettre en ménageto move in together
reconstituer qc. [objet en morceaux]to piece sth. together again
se secouer [fam.]to pull oneself together
se reprendre [personne]to pull oneself together
se ressaisirto pull yourself together [idiom]
concourir à work together towards sth.
3 Words: Nouns
cinq à sept {m} [can.] [fam.]
afternoon get-together [in Quebec] [similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m.]
4 Words: Others
Toutes catégories confondues.All categories taken together.
Serrés comme des sardines en boîte. [loc.]Squashed together like sardines. [idiom]
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Translation for 'together' from English to French

ensemble {adv}

solidaire {adj}

l'un à l'autre {adv}
together [in total]
en tout {adv}
together <tog.>
en commun {adv}

all together [in a group]
tous ensemble {adv}
all together [in chorus / unison]
tous en chœur {adv}
bracketed together
entre accolades {adj}typ.
bringing together
regroupant {adj} {pres-p}

rassemblant {adj} {pres-p}

regroupement {m} [de personnes]
close together
rapproché {adj} [espace, temps]
folded together
plié {adj} {past-p} [papier, carton]
put together
ficelé {adj} [spectacle]
taken together
au total {adv}
together with
conjointement avec {prep}
together with [accompanied by]
en compagnie de {prep}

to bang together
entrer en collision
to blend (together)
se fondre ensemble [couleurs, saveurs]
to blend together
se mélanger
to bring sb./sth. together
réunir qn./qc. [assembler]
to bring sth. together
regrouper qc. [personnes]
to bump together
entrer en collision
to call sb./sth. together
réunir qn./qc. [convoquer]
to club together [Br.]
se cotiser
to clump (together)
to cluster together

se regrouper
to cobble sth. together [assemble clumsily]
bricoler qc.
to come together

se rassembler
to consult together
se concerter
to crowd together
to draw sth. together
réunir qc. [en tirant]
to flow together [rivers]
to fuse sth. together
fusionner qc. [idées]
to gather sth. together
masser qc. [personnes]

regrouper qc. [personnes]

réunir qc. [documents, papiers]
to gather together
se rassembler

to get sb./sth. together
réunir qn./qc. [assembler]
to get together

se réunir [amis, parents]
to glue sth. together
agglutiner qc. [materiaux]
to go together

se combiner [couleurs]arts

s'unir [fig.] [couleurs]arts
to group sth. together
regrouper qc. [objets, mots]
to group together
se regrouper
to grow together [bones]
se rejoindre [os]anat.méd.
to herd sth. together [sheep, cattle]
rassembler qc. [mouton, bétail]agr.
to herd together
se regrouper
to huddle together
to join sth. together
remembrer qc.
to knit (together)
se ressouder [os]méd.
to knit (together) [heal broken bones]
se souderméd.
to knock sth. together [coll.]
bricoler qc. [fam.] [péj.]
to knot sth. together
nouer qc. ensemble
to lash sth. together
ligoter qc.
to live together
vivre ensemble
to pull sth. together [get off the ground] [idiom]
mettre sur pied qc. [créer]
to pull together
faire un effort
to put sth. together
composer qc. [programme, menu]
to put sth. together [assemble]
assembler qc.
to put sth. together [e.g. newsletter]
rédiger qc. [bulletin]
to rivet sth. together
river qc. [plaque]
to side together
faire bloc
to staple sth. (together)
agrafer qc.
to stick together

s'agglutiner [matériaux]
to stick together [coll.]
être solidaire
to stitch sth. together [coll.]
concocter qc. rapidement [compromis]pol.
to study together
étudier de concertéduc.
to work together
travailler solidairement

gathering together
cueillette {f} [d'idées] [fig.]
réunion {f} [rencontre]
grouping together
regroupement {m} [de provinces]
living together
vivre-ensemble {m}
sewing together
assemblage {m} [de pièces, vêtement]textilevêt.

with feet together
à pieds joints {adv}

to be bound together [fig.]
être scellé l'un à l'autre
to be grouped together
to come together at sth.
être réuni à qc.
to come together nicely
bien se marier
to get it together [coll.] [idiom]
trouver un terrain d'entente [loc.]
to get it together [idiom]
to get on together
s'accorder [s'entendre]
to go (together) well
s'accorder [couleurs]
to group together around sb.
se regrouper autour de qn.
to live together with sb.
vivre à la colle [fam.]
to move in together
se mettre en ménage
to piece sth. together again
reconstituer qc. [objet en morceaux]
to pull oneself together
se secouer [fam.]

se reprendre [personne]
to pull yourself together [idiom]
se ressaisir
to work together towards sth.
concourir à qc.

afternoon get-together [in Quebec] [similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m.]
cinq à sept {m} [can.] [fam.]cuis.

All categories taken together.
Toutes catégories confondues.
Squashed together like sardines. [idiom]
Serrés comme des sardines en boîte. [loc.]
Usage Examples English
  • All leagues together combined bring together upwards of 650 students weekly - the second largest intramural programme in Scotland.
  • Army together, Melchiorre and Bill Mann had become close friends and were recruited together by numerous colleges.
  • Bud and Ollie are often chosen together by Nina due to the way taste, eating, smell and scent all work together. *Note* they were only chosen together in the first episode of “In The Lab”.
  • Connections are what bring the entire building together. They join these members together and must ensure that they function together as one unit.
  • The three brothers released a number of albums together as the Montgomery Brothers, also playing together on some albums credited to Wes.

  • Eventually Matthew and Sandra are together, Derek (a trainee) and Matthew's sister are together, Carrie and Ben are together and Nikki and Kelvin are together.
  • Ella and Esquema are shown driving in the car together, reminiscing as they also plan their new lives together.
  • Together with Lasse Strömstedt (1935-2009) they wrote six crime novels together using the pseudonym Kennet Ahl.
  • The schools would merge together in 1987 into Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory, after having collaborated together since 1967.
  • "Let's sit down together and let's live together. We always knew how to die together.

  • Iyiora Anam sees marriage as a happy life for couples to enjoy together.
  • Communities come together and set up community businesses to address challenges they face together.
  • Pop and Oak began producing music together after their shared manager at the time suggested they work together.
  • On 15 October 2017, ADNOC brought together its people, resources, products and services together under a unified brand.
  • Pseudonym was established when Sompratim, Devapriya, and Rajan, who previously worked together as band members decided to work together.

  • With SmallWorlds, users could share their experiences together watching YouTube videos, listening to music on SoundCloud together and by browsing through photo galleries.
  • There are four major types of compounds, distinguished by how the constituent atoms are bonded together.
  • Audiobook versions of "My Weird School" have been bundled together with books 1-4 released together.
  • Sonja got together with her guitarist from the band in 2006, and they've been together even since.
  • Wollter had five children; Ylva (1962–1992) and Stina Wollter (born 1964) together with Annie Jenhoff, Lina Wollter together with Evabritt Strandberg, Karl Seldahl (born 1975) together with Viveka Seldahl and the youngest child Magnus together with Maria Lindgren.

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