 Translation for 'turn' from English to French
NOUN   a turn | turns
VERB   to turn | turned | turned
turning | turns
SYNO act | bend | bit | ...
tourner (qc.)to turn (sth.)
faire tournerto turn
virer [changer de direction]to turn
faire basculer qc. [match, opinion publique]to turn sth.
faire tourner qc. [roue]
to turn sth.
retourner qc. [col]
to turn sth.
virage {m}
turn [skiing]
tournure {f} [aspect]turn
mouvement {m} de rotationturn
spire {f}
tour {m}
accès {m}
turn [bout]
tournant {m}turn [change in direction, changing point]
numéro {m} [dans un spectacle]turn [number, stage performance]
rotation {f}turn [rotation]
2 Words: Others
en revanche {adv}in turn
dans l'ordre {adv}in turn
tour à tour {adv}in turn
alternativement {adv}in turn [alternately]
à son tour {adv}in turn [as a consequence]
c'est au tour de's sb.'s turn
À toi de jouer !Your turn!
2 Words: Verbs
faire demi-tourto about-turn
se retourner contre qn. [personne]to turn against sb.
se retourner [personne]to turn around
virer [tourner sur soi]to turn around
se tourner [faire demi-tour sur soi-même]to turn around
faire demi-tourto turn around [go back]
faire demi-tourto turn back
faire volte-faceto turn back
rebrousser cheminto turn back
revenir en arrièreto turn back
roussir [herbe]to turn brown [grass]
franchir le cap de la cinquantaineto turn fifty
blanchir [cheveux]to turn gray [Am.]
verdoyer [devenir vert]
to turn green
blanchir [cheveux]to turn grey [Br.]
faire du tapageto turn heads [idiom]
aller au litto turn in [coll.]
aller se coucherto turn in [coll.] [go to bed]
se transformer en qc. [larve]
to turn into sth.
tourner à gauche
to turn left
se radoucir [temps]
to turn milder
fermer qc. [robinet, gaz, eau, radio]to turn off sth.
ouvrir qc. [faire fonctionner (chauffage, télé, robinet, gaz, radiateur)]to turn on sth.
se révéler [apparaître]to turn out [to prove to be]
se retourner [personne couchée]to turn over
faire un tonneau [voiture, personne]
to turn over [car]
pâlirto turn pale
blêmir [personne]to turn pale
rosirto turn pink
passer professionnelto turn professional
s'empourprerto turn purple
rougirto turn red
se colorer de rougeto turn red
virer au rouge
to turn red
roussir [feuillage]to turn red [foliage]
tourner à droiteto turn right
se retourner [personne]to turn round [Br.]
faire demi-tourto turn round [go back]
refuser turn sb. away
éconduire turn sb. away
récuser turn sb. down [reject, refuse]
faire détourner qn. de qn./ turn sb. from sb./sth.
rebuter turn sb. off [disgust]
écœurer turn sb.'s stomach
rejeter qn./qc. [personne, plainte]to turn sb./sth. down [reject, refuse]
transformer qn./qc. en qn./ turn sb./sth. into sb./sth.
faire des galipettes [roulade]
to turn somersaults
tourner au vinaigreto turn sour
virer à l'aigre
to turn sour
tourner à l'aigre [discussion, plaisanterie]to turn sour [discussion, joke]
s'aigrir [aliment]to turn sour [food]
noircir turn sth. black
blondir turn sth. blond [Am.]
blondir turn sth. blonde [Br.]
repousser qc. [requête]to turn sth. down
replier qc. [page]to turn sth. down [e.g. a page]
diminuer qc. [chauffage]to turn sth. down [heating]
refuser qc. [offre]to turn sth. down [reject, refuse]
déconnecter qc.
to turn sth. off
éteindre turn sth. off [machine, light etc.]
allumer qc. to turn sth. on [light, radio, TV, computer, heating etc.]
remuer qc. [terre]to turn sth. over [ground]
retourner qc. [steak, poisson, sol]
to turn sth. over [steak, fish, soil]
réfléchir à turn sth. over [think over]
rougir turn sth. red
remonter qc. [col]to turn sth. up
jaunir turn sth. yellow
avoir recours à qn. [parent, ami]to turn to sb.
s'orienter vers turn to sb. [in conversation]
se tourner vers qn./ turn to sb./sth.
se tourner du côté de qn./ turn to sb./sth.
s'orienter vers qn./ turn toward sb./sth.
s'orienter vers qn./ turn towards sb./sth.
faire la pute [se prostituer] [vulg.]to turn tricks [Am.] [sl.] [idiom]
mal tournerto turn ugly
s'envenimer [situation]to turn ugly
faire son apparitionto turn up
survenir [personne]to turn up
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Translation for 'turn' from English to French

to turn (sth.)
tourner (qc.)
to turn
faire tourner

virer [changer de direction]
to turn sth.
faire basculer qc. [match, opinion publique]

faire tourner qc. [roue]tech.

retourner qc. [col]vêt.

turn [skiing]
virage {m}sport
tournure {f} [aspect]

mouvement {m} de rotation

spire {f}tech.

tour {m}jeuxtech.
turn [bout]
accès {m}méd.
turn [change in direction, changing point]
tournant {m}
turn [number, stage performance]
numéro {m} [dans un spectacle]
turn [rotation]
rotation {f}

in turn
en revanche {adv}

dans l'ordre {adv}

tour à tour {adv}
in turn [alternately]
alternativement {adv}
in turn [as a consequence]
à son tour {adv}
it's sb.'s turn
c'est au tour de qn.
Your turn!
À toi de jouer !

to about-turn
faire demi-tour
to turn against sb.
se retourner contre qn. [personne]
to turn around
se retourner [personne]

virer [tourner sur soi]

se tourner [faire demi-tour sur soi-même]
to turn around [go back]
faire demi-tour
to turn back
faire demi-tour

faire volte-face

rebrousser chemin

revenir en arrière
to turn brown [grass]
roussir [herbe]
to turn fifty
franchir le cap de la cinquantaine
to turn gray [Am.]
blanchir [cheveux]
to turn green
verdoyer [devenir vert]bot.
to turn grey [Br.]
blanchir [cheveux]
to turn heads [idiom]
faire du tapage
to turn in [coll.]
aller au lit
to turn in [coll.] [go to bed]
aller se coucher
to turn into sth.
se transformer en qc. [larve]biol.
to turn left
tourner à gauchetrafic
to turn milder
se radoucir [temps]météo.
to turn off sth.
fermer qc. [robinet, gaz, eau, radio]
to turn on sth.
ouvrir qc. [faire fonctionner (chauffage, télé, robinet, gaz, radiateur)]
to turn out [to prove to be]
se révéler [apparaître]
to turn over
se retourner [personne couchée]
to turn over [car]
faire un tonneau [voiture, personne]auto
to turn pale

blêmir [personne]
to turn pink
to turn professional
passer professionnel
to turn purple
to turn red

se colorer de rouge

virer au rougechim.
to turn red [foliage]
roussir [feuillage]
to turn right
tourner à droite
to turn round [Br.]
se retourner [personne]
to turn round [go back]
faire demi-tour
to turn sb. away
refuser qn.

éconduire qn.
to turn sb. down [reject, refuse]
récuser qn.
to turn sb. from sb./sth.
faire détourner qn. de qn./qc.
to turn sb. off [disgust]
rebuter qn.
to turn sb.'s stomach
écœurer qn.
to turn sb./sth. down [reject, refuse]
rejeter qn./qc. [personne, plainte]
to turn sb./sth. into sb./sth.
transformer qn./qc. en qn./qc.
to turn somersaults
faire des galipettes [roulade]sport
to turn sour
tourner au vinaigre

virer à l'aigrecuis.
to turn sour [discussion, joke]
tourner à l'aigre [discussion, plaisanterie]
to turn sour [food]
s'aigrir [aliment]
to turn sth. black
noircir qc.
to turn sth. blond [Am.]
blondir qc.
to turn sth. blonde [Br.]
blondir qc.
to turn sth. down
repousser qc. [requête]
to turn sth. down [e.g. a page]
replier qc. [page]
to turn sth. down [heating]
diminuer qc. [chauffage]
to turn sth. down [reject, refuse]
refuser qc. [offre]
to turn sth. off
déconnecter qc.é
to turn sth. off [machine, light etc.]
éteindre qc.
to turn sth. on [light, radio, TV, computer, heating etc.]
allumer qc.
to turn sth. over [ground]
remuer qc. [terre]
to turn sth. over [steak, fish, soil]
retourner qc. [steak, poisson, sol]agr.cuis.hort.
to turn sth. over [think over]
réfléchir à qc.
to turn sth. red
rougir qc.
to turn sth. up
remonter qc. [col]
to turn sth. yellow
jaunir qc.
to turn to sb.
avoir recours à qn. [parent, ami]
to turn to sb. [in conversation]
s'orienter vers qn.
to turn to sb./sth.
se tourner vers qn./qc.

se tourner du côté de qn./qc.
to turn toward sb./sth.
s'orienter vers qn./qc.
to turn towards sb./sth.
s'orienter vers qn./qc.
to turn tricks [Am.] [sl.] [idiom]
faire la pute [se prostituer] [vulg.]
to turn ugly
mal tourner

s'envenimer [situation]
to turn up
faire son apparition

survenir [personne]
Usage Examples English
  • The track was said to be breaking up on turn two, the exit of turn seven and also the apex and exit of turn 10.
  • In his essay "Trust the Turn: Focusing the Revision Process in Poetry", Theune suggest that there are a number of poems that can show the turn: "...ironic poems turn from set-up to punch line, emblem poems turn from description to meditation, and retrospective-prospective poems turn from past to present or future".
  • The game is turn-based. A turn is completed when all of the player's units have an order given in a previous turn or have been given orders in the current turn.
  • Under the new layout, the pit lane was moved to the opposite side of the race course, starting at the outside of turn 9 and exiting just after turn 11.
  • Turns, used while descending or for braking, include the snowplough (or "wedge turn"), parallel turn, and the Telemark turn.

  • The direction to turn is one of L (90° left), R (90° right), N (no turn) and U (180° U-turn).
  • During a constant-bank level turn, increasing airspeed decreases the rate of turn, and increases the turn radius.
  • Standard rate turn is a standardized rate at which the aircraft will make a 360 degree turn in two minutes (120 seconds). Standard rate turn is indicated on turn coordinator or turn-slip indicator.
  • Each turn represents one month. During the game, the Parliamentary player moves first in Turn 1, but the players then alternate moving first on each successive turn.
  • HOLDH RNAs contain a predicted kink turn. This particular example of a kink turn was studied to better understand how kink turn structures relate to their sequences.

  • The course runs under the canopy roof of the historic Tempelhof Airport terminal from turn 13 to turn 14 and then again during turn 17.
  • Cars have controls for headlamps, fog lamps, turn signals, and other automotive lighting.
  • The hammerhead turn, stall turn, or Fieseler is an aerobatics turn-around maneuver.
  • "Nuclear Renaissance" is turn-based, with each player activating one figure at a time during that turn.
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