 Translation for 'Abas' from English to Greek
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NOUN   an aba | abas
Abas {noun}
Άβαντας {ο}
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Translation for 'Abas' from English to Greek

Abas {noun}
Άβαντας {ο}μυθολ.
Usage Examples English
  • One of them, Yehuda Abas, a physician, distributed anti-malarial pills free of charge to the local Arab population but discovered they were being cut into four and sold for large sums of money to Arabs from Syria and Lebanon.
  • Despite not having been considered for the position, Gagik-Abas of Kars claimed the position of king of all of Armenia following Gagik's abdication.
  • In 1988, Tun Salleh Abas was brought before a tribunal convened by the then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad on the grounds of misconduct.
  • Kasim Abas is a self taught artist known for his draughtsmanship and detailed watercolours drawings.
  • Her great-grandson Elisha Abas has become a concert pianist.

  • On 14 November 1924, Radin Abas Sadrach Supranata died.
  • A business portal, based on Liferay, is integrated into abas ERP using which the database can be accessed via portlets.
  • Bautista was confirmed by the Commission on Appointments on September 21; meanwhile, Abas' confirmation was deferred because Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, who was not present when Bautista was confirmed, still had questions to ask Abas.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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