 Translation for 'Dionysus' from English to Greek
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NOUN   Dionysus | -
Dionysus {noun}
Διόνυσος {ο}
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Translation for 'Dionysus' from English to Greek

Dionysus {noun}
Διόνυσος {ο}θρησκ.μυθολ.
Usage Examples English
  • Other syncretic Greco-Egyptian deities arose out of these conflations, such as Serapis and Hermanubis. Dionysus-Osiris was particularly popular in Ptolemaic Egypt, as the Ptolemies claimed descent from Dionysus, and as pharaohs they had claim to the lineage of Osiris.
  • Aion is identified with Dionysus in Christian and Neoplatonic writers, but there are no references to Dionysus as Aion before the Christian era. Euripides, however, does call Aion a 'son of Zeus'.
  • According to Nonnus, at Hera's instigation Atë persuades the boy Ampelus whom Dionysus passionately loves, to impress Dionysus by riding on a bull from which Ampelus subsequently falls and breaks his neck.
  • Dionysus and Poseidon both fall in love with Beroe.
  • A hymn to Dionysus in Greek Anthology called Dionysus Indoletes (Ἰνδολέτης), which means slayer/killer of Indians.

  • The Temple of Dionysus Lysios was a sanctuary in Thebes, Greece dedicated to Dionysus. It was one of the main cult centers of Dionysus.
  • On arriving there, he discovered Dionysus's transgender herald, who begins to tell him the story of Pentheus and Dionysus.
  • In Greek mythology Semachos was a doublet of Ikarios, the recipient of Dionysus' gift of wine, who welcomed Dionysus to Attica, with a tragic outcome.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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