Translation for '
Do you have' from English to Greek
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In 1960, a referendum, that functioned as the Electoral College, was held that asked the general public: "Do you have confidence in Muhammad Ayub Khan?
- 2001's "Do you Have a Licence to Save this Planet?
- A sample of the Dido track "Do You Have a Little Time" is used on the song "Don't You Trust Me?
- McCabe holds it over the guard and asks, "What kind of car do you have?
- Bart: Hey, I know it wasn't great, but what right do you have to complain?
- "What basis do you have to assert that?" asked Condell, and the sailor answered "From the shape of the platform on top of the foremast".
- Five songs were released from the album in various forms and at various times: "Open Road", "Flying", "Room Service", "This Side of Paradise" and "Why Do You Have to Be So Hard to Love?
- ... e. "do you have plans to change..."), and that it has problems regarding its classification reliability.
- The hosts referred to the bassist as "Fag Number 1" and asked, "How many badges of honor do you have in your colon?
- Immediately after creating the character, Sievey would record an in-character cover 'Material Boy"I'm thinking of getting into showbiz. Do you have any pamphlets?
- Now what do you have for my boys?" The men in the bar were so astounded by the response that they gave Hofbauer more than 100 silver coins.
- g.'Do you have a bike?'. Dutch does not use this construction, but instead utilizes a VSO word order, inverting the subject and verb: " Heb jij een fiets?
- Hans Moleman asks, "Do you have anything by Robert Ludlum?
- ("Shriek – Do You Have Something to Do on Friday the 17th? ...
- (How Late Do You Have To Be Before You Are Absent? ...
- ("Do you have a cigarette? My pack is still in the machine! ...
- It is generally phrased as, "Prisoner at the Bar, you have been found Guilty by a jury of your peers of the offense of XYZ. Do you have anything to say as to why the sentence of this Court should not now be passed upon you?
- Other appearances by the Sontarans include the spin-off videos "Mindgame", "Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans" and "Do You Have A License To Save This Planet?
- (Do you have sound?), hosted by Matthias Opdenhövel, aired daily on VOX from 1999 to 2001.
- ... " – 'Do you have 1,000 escudos/sticks?'). During the move from escudos to euros the Portuguese had a joke saying that they had lost three currencies: the [...] , the [...] , and the [...].
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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