 Translation for 'certainly' from English to Greek
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SYNO certainly | for certain | for sure | ...
certainly {adv}βέβαια
certainly {adv}φυσικά
certainly {adv}ασφαλώς
certainly {adv}σίγουρα
certainly {adv}βεβαίως
certainly {adv}μάλιστα
6 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The more layered analysis is favored in the GB framework and a variation of it certainly obtains in current Minimalism as well.
  • Disparity of cult, sometimes called disparity of worship ("Disparitas Cultus"), is a diriment impediment in Roman Catholic canon law: a reason why a marriage cannot be validly contracted without a dispensation, stemming from one person being certainly baptized, and the other certainly not baptized.
  • Ling Mengchu was certainly a merchant businessman and also certainly a traditional scholar with civil service ambitions.
  • The Second Battle of Acentejo was certainly not the last battle on Tenerife between the Spaniards and the Guanches, but was certainly the most decisive, resulting in the ultimate incorporation of the island into the Kingdom of Castile and the final subjugation of the aborigines.
  • Probably the oldest surviving example of what certainly qualifies as a patilla miquelet lock is item No.I.20 in the Real Armería, Madrid.

  • Halifax said that the transfer of these areas to Germany would almost certainly be a good thing adding that the Czechoslovak army would certainly oppose that very strongly and that Beneš had said that it would fight, rather than accept it.
  • For example, among the four species only two (narrow and largetooth sawfish) certainly survive in South Asia, and only two (narrow and green sawfish) certainly survive in Southeast Asia.
  • This is a low-level rank castle, and it is certainly better than not setting up a castle at all.
  • "Happy certainly", said the contemporary drama critic Gerard Langbaine, "were those men who were not reckoned in the number of his friends."
  • Reinaldo Quijada an electrical engineer who follows the chavista movement, stated he would take up the "revolutionary process" in his campaign and that "we are certainly opposed to the government of President Maduro, we are certainly opposed to the PSUV, but we are not opposed to the revolutionary process".

  • I will certainly visit it.
  • After the war, as with nearly all child survivors of the Holocaust, the Hidden child nearly certainly never regained his parents, who nearly certainly had been murdered by the Nazis.
  • Secondly the function of the land in question was being used for a different purpose, and therefore could certainly not hold up under easement terms.
  • Although he certainly had input into the measures implemented by the Swiss banking system and the Swiss government, he certainly did not single-handedly do either.
  • Lev Sedov was an active and leading member of the Bolshevik-Leninist movement that his father led and was almost certainly assassinated as a result of that.

  • Note that if an adversary can find a second pre-image, then it can certainly find a collision.
  • The legal opinions of Glanvill's nephew, Hubert Walter are certainly cited.
  • Bayesians identify probabilities with degrees of beliefs, with certainly true propositions having probability 1, and certainly false propositions having probability 0.
  • In a probabilistic database, each tuple is associated with a probability between 0 and 1, with 0 representing that the data is certainly incorrect, and 1 representing that it is certainly correct.
  • In words: If certainly [...] implies [...] , we infer that certainly [...] implies [...]. Where [...] , the two implications being certain are equivalent statements.

    © English-Greek dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!