 Translation for 'feet' from English to Greek
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NOUN   a foot | feet
feet {noun}πόδια {τα}
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Translation for 'feet' from English to Greek

feet {noun}
πόδια {τα}
Usage Examples English
  • The Karori Tunnel was 250 feet long, the Northland Tunnel, 225 feet. For comparison the Kilbirnie (Mt Victoria bus) Tunnel is 1,274 feet and Seatoun 470 feet.
  • Based on the experience obtained in the North African and Italian campaigns, fighter groups required an airfield 120 feet x 3600 feet long, and fighter-bomber groups required fields 120 feet x 5000 feet long.
  • Captain Mainwaring implements an unpopular series of lengthy marches to achieve the three Fs – fast feet, functional feet and fit feet.
  • The Capitol is 402 feet in width, 225 feet in depth, with a total of 171,000 square feet.  The central dome rises 180 feet above ground level.
  • The Sakawati vaults are 8 feet by 4 feet, and 32 feet high.

  • The Espanola Schoolhouse has a rectangular plan and measures 23 feet wide by 42 feet deep (966 square feet).
  • Takeoff from turf was in 250 feet with 575 feet needed to clear a 50-foot obstacle. It landed in 350 feet. Rate of climb was 550 feet per minute. Its service ceiling was estimated at 10,000 ft.
  • The mosque is 59 feet high, including the 16 feet high dome, 120 feet long and 100 feet wide.
  • It has twelve 24 feet by 22 feet rooms, twelve 12 feet by 12 feet rooms, and 6 16 feet X 22 feet rooms.
  • The bust of Paine measures approximately 4 feet x 4 feet x 3 feet and the marble pedestal is approximately 10-1/2 feet x 3 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 7 inches.

  • The three new dredges – prosaically named Dredges 2, 3 and 4 – were of identical construction. Each was 94 feet long, 18 feet wide and 7 feet deep, with bucket ladders 70 feet in length.
  • The chancel is 24 feet long by 12 feet. The nave adds around 45 feet in length and 19 feet in width. The tower is around 35 feet high, the base being 10 feet by 11 feet wide.
  • The building was erected at a cost of $315,000. It is 84 feet by 124 feet. The white tiled swimming pool in the basement is 60 feet by 22 feet.
  • Dimensions : 310 feet long overall, 300 feet 6 inches between perpendiculars, 33 feet beam, drawing 14ft 4inches.
  • This monument is made up of eight columns raised 56 feet above the ground, and shaped like a cross, measuring 240 feet in length, 38 feet in width, and 28 feet in height.

  • The normal climb values used for determining MCAs in the United States are: 150 feet per nautical mile from mean sea level (MSL) to 5000 feet MSL; 120 feet per nautical mile from 5000 feet to 10,000 feet MSL; and 100 feet per nautical mile at 10,000 feet MSL or above.
  • Elevations in the wilderness range from 2400 to 4480 feet, with several peaks over 4000 feet; Clinch Mountain at 4450 feet, Hutchinson Rock at 4480 feet in the far northeast corner and adjacent Chestnut Ridge at 4400 feet.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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