 Translation for 'of course' from English to Greek
SYNO course | naturally | of course
of course {adv}φυσικά
of course {adv}βεβαίως
Partial Matches
course {noun}σειρά {η} μαθημάτων
course {noun}πορεία {η}
main course {noun}
κυρίως πιάτο {το}
of {prep}από
unverified to consist (of)αποτελούμε από
because of {prep}λόγω
unverified out of {prep}από, εκτός
because of {prep}εξαιτίας
psychology of religion {noun}
ψυχολογία {η} της θρησκείας
philosophy of religion {noun}
φιλοσοφία {η} της θρησκείας
unverified palm (of hand) {noun}φούχτα {η}
Evander (of Pallene) {noun}
Εύανδρος {ο}
a lot of {adj}πολλά
time of day {noun}ώρα {η}
decree of divorce {noun}
απόφαση {η} διαζυγίου
philosophy of mathematics {noun}
φιλοσοφία {η} των μαθηματικών
sense of balance {noun}αιθουσαία αίσθηση {η}
to be aware ofξέρω
in front of {prep}μπροστά από
in spite of {prep}παρ' όλο
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Usage Examples English
  • In this case, seven equal is obtained in the limit as the size of C tends to zero and five equal is the limit as D tends to zero while twelve equal is of course the case C = D.
  • The Emperor simply replied "Of course." On 14 August the Suzuki government notified the Allies that it had accepted the Potsdam Declaration.
  • In both cases one has to keep in mind that the history of the East Slavic languages is of course a history of written texts.
  • Every field is, of course, one-dimensional over its center.
  • The centre of all mystical experience is of course Christ.

  • He received very little reward from his paymasters and of course no recognition for his services by the government.
  • Many cirth here represent sounds not occurring in Khuzdul (at least in published words of Khuzdul: of course, our corpus is very limited to judge the necessity or not, of these sounds).
  • It also performs inductive reasoning, statistical machine learning and symbolic machine learning, and abductive reasoning (but of course sparingly and using the existing knowledge base as a filter and guide).
  • The function "D" is unique for each computable number (although of course two different programs may provide the same function).
  • Powerful parties can also act in an oligocratic way to form an alliance to stifle the growth of emerging parties. Of course, such an event is rare in coalition governments when compared to two-party systems, which typically exist because of stifling of the growth of emerging parties, often through discriminatory nomination rules regulations and plurality voting systems, and so on.

  • The highest population density is in the larger metropolitan area of Ostrava and of course in the area around the capital of Prague.
  • Unless an examination is required, admission is usually granted as a matter of course to any licensed attorney in the state where the court is located.
  • still has his cancer issues of course and that may well stop it all from happening but if he wants to do something I am ready."
  • One well-known story was that he saw the change of direction of a wind vane on a boat on the Thames, caused not by an alteration of the wind itself, but by a change of course of the boat relative to the wind direction.
  • Of course, if the correct "i‘rāb" is a "sukūn", it may be optionally written.

  • Some would suggest that a system of disorganized complexity may be compared with the (relative) simplicity of planetary orbits – the latter can be predicted by applying Newton's laws of motion. Of course, most real-world systems, including planetary orbits, eventually become theoretically unpredictable even using Newtonian dynamics; as discovered by modern chaos theory.
  • When the censors entered upon their office, they drew lots to see which of them should perform this purification; but both censors were of course obliged to be present at the ceremony.
  • This is intended to be portable to all places a certified professional might work. Of course, this generalization increases the cost of such a program; the process to establish a legally defensible assessment of an entire profession is very extensive.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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