Translation for '
protect' from English to Greek
| VERB | to protect | protected | protected protecting | protects |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The Animal Health and Food Safety Services (AHFSS) provides services to protect California's poultry and livestock, to ensure safety of food from animal origin, to protect public health, and to protect livestock owners against losses due to theft and of animals or straying.
- As can be seen, the US and the French systems protect juvenile differently, but both protect effectively. There is also much stress on the prevention of delinquency in both countries.
- To protect the Frisian coastline, Frankish kings enlisted the help of the Danes and appointed Haraldr Junior and his brother, Hroerekr, to protect the emporium.
- The principle of the Responsibility to Protect is based upon the underlying premise that sovereignty entails a responsibility to protect all populations from mass atrocity crimes and human rights violations.
- Many agencies help protect Hine's emerald habitats.
- Although encryption provides for a way to protect the contents of the message, it still fails to protect the metadata.
- Established to protect a certain species, to benefit fisheries, rare habitat, as spawning/nursing grounds for fish, or to protect entire ecosystems.
- Other than gloves, any other article of clothing or protection worn for a purpose serve to protect the skin.
- Both cloth and disposable coveralls are manufactured with their own unique protective properties including: high-visibility, insulation to protect against cold weather, waterproof, flame resistant to protect against fire, arc resistant to protect against flash fires, and even microporous fabrics when exposed to hazardous chemicals.
- Naval armour consists of many different designs, depending on what the armour is meant to protect against.
- Protect (officially incorporated as National Association to Protect Children - PROTECT, Inc. ...
- Its objective is to protect the remnants of Atlantic Forest in the region, and also to protect the populations of black lion tamarin ("Leontopithecus chrysopygus").
- Both principles must be applied to a design in order to protect bamboo. Boron by itself is inadequate to protect against rot, and it will wash out if exposed to water.
- Today it is managed to restore and maintain native ecosystems, protect plants and animals, protect archaeological and historical sites, support outdoor recreation, and protect the quality and health of rivers and wetlands.
- 6. Veterinary technicians shall protect confidential information provided by clients, unless required by law or to protect public health.
- In addition to inspections, Proactive Removal Management uses sealants to protect graffiti-prone locations.
- Kilt Faris: A highwayman and renegade. Later sworn to protect Leo. He was given leeway by King Brennus in return for helping to protect Leo when the time came.
- The contents are made up of five portions: Democracy Thoughts, Livelihood Thoughts, Right-protect Actions, Right-protect Characters, Right-protect History.
- Breguet recommended the use of reduced-section conductors to protect telegraph stations from lightning strikes; by melting, the smaller wires would protect apparatus and wiring inside the building.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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