 Translation for 'sometimes' from English to Greek
sometimes {adv}ενίοτε
sometimes {adv}πότε πότε
sometimes {adv}κάπου κάπου
sometimes {adv}μερικές φορές
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • In many manuscripts, it does not even resemble a transformed "nun" at all, and when it does, it sometimes appears reversed (as mentioned above), sometimes inverted, and sometimes turned through 180°.
  • These are small moths in a wide variety of colours, sometimes plain, sometimes with bold patterning.
  • "A. savignyi" sometimes spins a silk disc, sometimes a cruciate pattern, and sometimes combines both types.
  • However he is sometimes insensitive to Darwyn's beliefs which sometimes causes friction between the two.
  • Each of its album covers features hair growing out of skin. Sometimes a woman, sometimes a man, or sometimes a circle of flesh surrounded by hair.

  • He was sometimes before her and sometimes behind.
  • A scholiast on Homer declares that the poet Alcman sometimes identified Ares with Enyalius and sometimes differentiated him, and that Enyalius was sometimes made the son of Ares by Enyo and sometimes the son of Cronus and Rhea.
  • Biographers have noted his sometimes excessive drinking, sometimes fragile mental state and ambiguous sexual orientation.
  • His enemies are many: sometimes the ocean, sometimes his own rude behaviour, sometimes his own best friend, sometimes his secret love for the island teacher, but always his relatives and their ambitions for money and power.
  • In some versions, making a pair or triple of cards of equal rank (sometimes vertically, sometimes horizontally and sometimes diagonally) reduces those cards' scores to zero.

  • Sometimes a "God", sometimes an "Harlequin".
  • Poyen said that his effect on patients differed: sometimes they felt calmer, sometimes more agitated, sometimes hot or cold, sometimes there was pain.
  • Marc Mauillon (born in 1980) is a 21st-century French singer, sometimes tenor, sometimes baritone.
  • "Calochortus spatulatus" is a bulb-forming herb up to 40 cm tall, sometimes branched, sometimes not. Flowers are purple, oriented horizontally or sometimes nodding (hanging downward).
  • "Blastodacna", "Dystebenna", "Haplochrois", "Heinemannia" and "Spuleria" are sometimes placed here, sometimes in the Elachistidae (or Blastodacnidae).

  • Most of these wasps undergo cyclical parthenogenesis, sometimes reproducing sexually, and sometimes producing young without fertilization.
  • The colonization sometimes brought ethnic conflict.
  • On television, "My Little Grass Shack" was sometimes sung by a cast member as part of the story, sometimes accompanying themselves on ukulele, and sometimes was performed in variety shows.
  • They represent complete and stand-alone installations, sometimes objects, sometimes sculptures, ready to work.
  • The leaves of this variable species are sometimes incurved, sometimes vertical & erect, and sometimes spreading. In some varieties, the leaves have slight tubercles.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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