Translation for '
to push' from English to Greek
| VERB | to push | pushed | pushed pushing | pushes |
| SYNO | button | energy | get-up-and-go | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
- They are usually armed with machine guns and grenade launchers and usually tracked to provide enough tractive force to push blades and rakes.
- Approval voting allows for bullet voting and compromising, while it is immune to push-over and burying.
- Once a part of the Academy, Lavoisier also held his own competitions to push the direction of research towards bettering the public and his own work.
- Opposite the two rollers is a third one (white, in the photo, at 45 degrees) that is spring-loaded to push the ball against the other two rollers.
- High inside pressure inhibits motion because the temperature differences are not enough to push the vanes through the higher concentration of air: there is too much air resistance for "eddy currents" to occur, and any slight air movement caused by the temperature difference is damped by the higher pressure before the currents can "wrap around" to the other side.
- Elements of this car are traceable to a prototype which had been under development at Willys during Chrysler's tenure The advanced engineering and testing that went into Chrysler Corporation cars helped to push the company to the second-place position in U.S.
- They are usually armed with machine guns and grenade launchers and usually tracked to provide enough tractive force to push blades and rakes.
- Second, Thales would probably have found it easier to convince the Ionian city-states to join in a federation in order to push the Median threat away if he possessed such a tool.
- The Thai Department of Export Promotion claims that "China's halal food producers are small-scale entrepreneurs whose products have little value added and lack branding and technology to push their goods to international standards" to encourage Thai private sector halal producers to market their products in China.
- The revival entered a period of factionalism and public disputes, with each orthography attempting to push the others aside.
- Tupper now organized supporters of Confederation into a Confederation Party to push for the union.
- One of the many taskings of the Coast Guard will be to push enforcement of all laws that apply to the designated Wildlife Interaction Zone.
- In the 1980s, Friedman, a Nobel Memorial Prize-winning economist and a proponent of monetarism, contended that some of the concerns of trade deficits are unfair criticisms in an attempt to push macroeconomic policies favorable to exporting industries.
- The administrators of these servers gained sufficient influence in the otherwise anarchic Usenet community to be able to push through controversial changes, for instance the Great Renaming of Usenet newsgroups during 1987.
- Gladstone began using the Liberal majority in the House of Commons to push through resolutions and legislation.
- Authorities have also developed programs to educate the population about the consequences of global warming to push back on certain harmful agricultural practices.
- Initially, the mace was used to push the balls, rather than strike them.
- The boot checks the heart rhythm and compresses the limb between heartbeats; the compression helps cure the wounds in the walls of veins and arteries, and helps to push the blood back to the heart.
- , the increase in energy of the orbital becomes so large as to push the energy of orbital above the energy of the s-orbital in the next higher shell; when [...] the energy is pushed into the shell two steps higher.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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