 Translation for 'vanilla' from English to Greek
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SYNO vanilla | vanilla extract
vanilla {noun}βανίλια {η}
1 translation
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Translation for 'vanilla' from English to Greek

vanilla {noun}
βανίλια {η}
Usage Examples English
  • Albius's manual pollination method is still used today, as nearly all vanilla is pollinated by hand.
  • Vanilla milk is milk with vanilla flavoring in it. The vanilla is sometimes artificial, although other times it is real vanilla.
  • Vanillin is not obtained from the vanilla plant nor an exact copy of vanilla, but a synthesized nature-identical component of the vanilla aroma.
  • "Rødgrød" or "rote Grütze" is served hot or cold as a dessert with milk, a mixture of milk and vanilla sugar, vanilla sauce, (whipped) cream, vanilla ice cream, or custard to balance the refreshing taste of the fruit acids.
  • Navan's name stands for "Natural Vanilla". The vanilla beans are imported from Madagascar.

  • Plain vanilla PRDCs can be broken down into a string of vanilla options.
  • Yazoo is available in four flavours; banana, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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