 Translation for 'workshop' from English to Greek
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NOUN   a workshop | workshops
VERB   to workshop | workshopped | workshopped
workshopping | workshops
SYNO shop | workshop
workshop {noun}εργαστήριο {το}
1 translation
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Translation for 'workshop' from English to Greek

workshop {noun}
εργαστήριο {το}
Usage Examples English
  • He also participated in a workshop for children in Algeria in September 2012, a workshop held by the British Council in Algiers, alongside that was a workshop for English teachers and how to teach English through storytelling.
  • The shipyard consists of several workshops to include: the slipway workshop, assembly and welding workshop, plating workshop, and an outfitting workshop.
  • Since 2016, Schütz is a member of the BML workshop in musical theatre songwriting in London, a workshop modelled after the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop in New York.
  • The World Mission Workshop is an annual gathering of students of missions, missionaries and professors of missions associated with Churches of Christ.
  • In September 1939, another workshop was established in Pulau Pinang, assisted by Indian troopers of the Mobile Workshop Indian Army. A bigger workshop was also established in Kuala Lumpur.

  • The lathe and locomotive workshop included a lathe workshop and a blacksmith's workshop, a wheel blacksmith's workshop, a spring workshop and a foundry.
  • Among his many workshop and classroom teaching assignments, Heath is a regular instructor at the Stanford Jazz Workshop.
  • For troubleshooting during the scientific expeditions, the ship is equipped with several workshops: a deck workshop (for heavy mechanical work), an electronic workshop, a machinery workshop (for fine mechanical work) and an electric workshop.
  • BYU's Opera Workshop is run by the School of Music.
  • Vera is a member of the prestigious Macondo Writers Workshop, the workshop founded by Sandra Cisneros. and a fellow of the CantoMundo Poetry Workshop.

  • Vikas founded Wonder workshop to focus on one problem: make coding, and learning to code, fun and easy for every child through play.
  • The SCB built its main workshop at Olten station around 1855.
  • Carriage Repair Workshop based at Lower Parel in the city of Mumbai, India is a premier Broad gauge coaching workshop of Central Railway, India.
  • The yard has six cranes, with a total load capacity of 60 tonnes. It has also a steel fabrication shed, engineering workshop, electrical workshop and joinery workshop.
  • In 2005, Kij Johnson established her "Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel Writers Workshop", often offered during the same two-week period as the short-fiction workshop.

  • Bentham has contributed to many international artists’ workshops throughout his career, including the Emma Lake Artists' Workshop, SK (1977); the Triangle Workshop, Pine Plains, New York; and the Hardingham Sculpture Workshop, UK.
  • 1598 [...] entered Ducete's workshop as an apprentice. From 1612 to Ducete's death he was his partner. The workshop of these two is known as Toro workshop. In 1611 Ducete was in Valladolid.
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