 Translation for 'worry' from English to Greek
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NOUN   a worry | worries
VERB   to worry | worried | worried
worrying | worries
SYNO concern | headache | to care | ...
to worryανησυχώ
to worryνοιάζομαι
to worryστενοχωριέμαι
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Translation for 'worry' from English to Greek

to worry


Usage Examples English
  • As such, it is often paired with the Penn State Worry Questionnaire, which provides a more accurate assessment of the cognitive components of anxiety (i.e., worry, catastrophizing, etc.) commonly seen in generalized anxiety disorder.
  • If I worry about my own tombs, who will worry about defending the tombs of the rest of the country?
  • It is said that, on meeting the officer assigned to arrest him, he said: "Do not worry about me.
  • The relationship between worry – the tendency of one's thoughts and mental images to revolve around and create negative emotions, and the experience of a frequent level of fear – and Jung's model of psychological types has been the subject of studies.
  • In "Hetalia: Axis Powers", Germany and Japan worry about the end of the World due to one of Nostradamus's prophecies.

  • Worry beads can be a musical instrument, related to rebetiko. Sound is emitted using a drinking glass and rubbing the lip against the worry bead, which is suspended from one button.
  • Impacts on mental health also depend on the extent of worry about nuclear threats.
  • Sankara in his Vivekachudamani (Sloka 539) uses the term – चिन्ताशून्यम् ("chintashoonyam") as meaning without anxiety or worry ("chinta" here means anxiety).
  • 1987–1991 — director of Lviv Theatre of Variety "Do not worry!
  • Because the ministry not only took over from the former Ministry of Science and Technology, but also assumed responsibility for ICT from the Ministry of Information and Communication and control of Korea Post, some people worry that it has become bloated.

  • The day before the fight, Jack lists the things that concern him when he can not sleep: "I worry about property I got up in the Bronx, I worry about property I got in Florida.
  • He explained that just as a nursing baby that is satiated doesn't worry whether there will be more milk for him when he is hungry again, one who trusts in God does not worry about the future.
  • In May 2022, Bailey stated that rising food prices is a "major worry" for the UK and other countries.
  • Measures of rumination and worry have also demonstrated high correlations, above and beyond that of symptom measures of anxiety and depression (r=.66; Beck & Perkins, 2001).
  • Kaukritya (Sanskrit; Pali: "kukkucca"; Tibetan phonetic: "gyöpa") is a Buddhist term that is translated as "regret", "worry", etc.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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