 Translation for 'worth' from English to Greek
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ADJ   worth | more worth | most worth
VERB   to worth | worth / worthed | worth, worthed, / worthen
worthing | worths
SYNO Charles Frederick Worth | deserving | Worth | ...
worth {noun}αξία {η}
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Translation for 'worth' from English to Greek

worth {noun}
αξία {η}
Usage Examples English
  • Projects due for completion in 2009 and 2010 include Walsall Manor Hospital redevelopment worth £174 million, the new Walsall College worth £65 million, the Waterfront South development worth £60 million and the St Matthew's Quarter worth more than £25 million.
  • On March 30, 2015, Guion signed a one-year contract worth $2.75 million with $500,000 worth of incentives.
  • Four distinct enemies appear: "Star Trek"-inspired starships worth 50 points, eyed worm-like alien creatures and Klingon type ships each worth 100 points, and a flashing flying saucer craft worth 200 points.
  • The Guilder was subdivided into 60 Kreuzers. There were secondary coins worth one, three or six kreuzers as well as silver coins worth 12, 24 or 20 Kreuzers. The Batzen was worth four kreuzers.
  • Dupont-Aignan declared during the 2017 presidential election that he was worth more than 2 million euros.

  • Kings and tens are worth ten points each, fives are worth five points, the Dragon is worth 25 points, and the Phoenix is worth "negative" 25.
  • Note: The number of points each trick is worth is equivalent to the level of that trick squared (ex. ...
  • is worth a half a pawn more than the individual values of its constituent bishops combined.
  • The goal from mark was made invalid in 1977, having been worth three points, except between 1891 and 1905 when it was worth four.
  • Only certain cards have a point value. These are known as counters. Each 5 is worth 5 points, each 10 and 14 is worth 10 points, and the Rook Bird card is worth 20 points.

  • Tries were worth five points as usual, but conversions were worth three points, while penalties and drop goals were only worth two points.
  • Under the net worth and cash expenditure methods of proof, the IRS performs year-by-year-by-year comparisons of net worth and cash expenditures to identify under reporting of net worth.
  • The name "Bobs Worth" literally meant that he was worth a shilling – a coin worth a twentieth of a pound – but he was sold to Nicky Henderson by Barry Geraghty for £20,000 and went on to earn much more.
  • Individuals with considerable net worth are described in the financial services industry as high-net-worth individuals and ultra high-net-worth individuals.
  • The first four questions are worth $100, the second four are worth $200 and the rest until the end of the game are worth $400.

  • In the time of King Edward it was worth £25; when it was received by the bishop it was worth £20; by 1086 it was worth £30.
  • Other denominations included the "crazia" worth q.5; the "grosso" worth q.20; the "paolo" worth q.40 or [...] lira; the "testone" worth 3 paoli; and the crown-sized "francescone" worth 10 paoli or [...] lire.
  • He lost; a dozen hats lined with taffeta worth £20; 15 beaver hats worth £76, 12 hats lined with taffeta worth £27; 36 hat bands worth £14; 24 hat bands of silk crêpe worth £23; 12 crêpe hat bands worth £6; 24 hat bands for children worth 22 shillings.
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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