 Translation for 'write down' from English to Greek
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SYNO to expense | to get down | to put down | ...
to write downσημειώνω
down {adv}προς τα κάτω
down {adv}κάτω
to slow downκόβω ταχύτητα
to slow downεπιβραδύνω
5 translations
To translate another word just start typing!

Usage Examples English
  • Muslim historians say that Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (the third khalifa (caliph) of the Rashidun Caliphate, or third successor of Muhammad, who had formerly been Muhammad's secretary), is generally believed to urge Muslims to record the hadith just as Muhammad suggested to some of his followers to write down his words and actions.
  • To create a fear ladder, one must write down all of their fears and score them on a scale of one to ten.
  • Originally, the armature was intended to make marks on paper tape, but operators learned to interpret the clicks and it was more efficient to write down the message directly.
  • Although it was later largely replaced by the Tengwar, the Cirth was nonetheless adopted by the Dwarves to write down both their Khuzdul language ("Angerthas Moria") and the languages of Men ("Angerthas Erebor").
  • He liked to write down ideas on paper as soon as he thought of them, often flooding his office with stacks of paper filled with potential ideas for game mechanics.

  • Editing decisions would be made using a window dub, and no specialized equipment was needed to write down an edit decision list which would then be replicated from the high-quality masters.
  • One way to write down a regular "n"-simplex in R"n" is to choose two points to be the first two vertices, choose a third point to make an equilateral triangle, choose a fourth point to make a regular tetrahedron, and so on.
  • One does not have to "believe" in infinity in order to write down algebraically valid expressions employing symbols for infinity.
  • Finally, on 7 April, Rose gave Crowley his instructions—for three days he was to enter the "temple" and write down what he heard between noon and 1:00 P.M.
  • While he was gazing at the stars he realized that he needed a better way to write down not just his observations but also the angles and descriptions as well.

  • By 2010 it exited Cambodia after a $100 million write down and collapse in subscriber numbers.
  • God commanded him to write down what will be until the day of resurrection.
  • Curtis, which was intended as a "hand calculator" to write down blocks one at a time.
  • One such notation is to write down a general formula for computing the "n"th term as a function of "n", enclose it in parentheses, and include a subscript indicating the set of values that "n" can take.
  • Wittgenstein begins his discussion of rules with the example of one person giving orders to another "to write down a series of signs according to a certain formation rule."

  • Although the theory is typically formulated in four dimensions, one can write down the same equations for the gravitational field in any number of dimensions.
  • An explicit form of the general Lorentz transformation is cumbersome to write down and will not be given here.
  • He also claimed many of his ideas came from dreams; throughout his writing life he arranged to be awakened every 90 minutes during his sleep period so he could write down his dreams.
  • Cauchy used an infinitesimal "α" to write down a unit impulse, infinitely tall and narrow Dirac-type delta function "δα" satisfying [...] in a number of articles in 1827.
  • When "K" is larger than the rationals it is easy to write down Carmichael ideals in [...] : for any prime number "p" that splits completely in "K", the principal ideal [...] is a Carmichael ideal.

    © English-Greek dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!