 Translation for 'yesterday' from English to Greek
NOUN   a yesterday | yesterdays
yesterday {adv}χθες
the day before yesterday {adv}προχθές
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Translation for 'yesterday' from English to Greek

yesterday {adv}

the day before yesterday {adv}
Usage Examples English
  • The album title, I Loved Yesterday's message is "Kinou wo aiseru youni kyou wo ikiyou.
  • ... aka Yesterday, yesterday 15 minutes earlier (International: English title).
  • That you wore yesterday at the ball.
  • For example, "John said he would leave yesterday" would be parsed as "John said (he would leave yesterday)", and not as "John said (he would leave) yesterday" (i.e., he spoke yesterday).
  • The repeated line "Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you."

  • It is noted for suggesting a negative treatment of women, comparing "yesterday's girl" to "yesterday's papers", as something that can be just thrown out, in similar fashion to a track on their previous album "Aftermath", "Under My Thumb".
  • ("John took two books to Peter yesterday.") Besides the verb, the sentence contains four other elements: "János" ("John"), "Péternek" ("to Peter"), "két könyvet" ("two books") and "tegnap" ("yesterday").
  • For example, in the English sentence "The man you saw yesterday was my uncle", the relative clause "you saw yesterday" contains no relative pronoun.
  • Thanks for the insightful conversation yesterday.
  • a student in a yeshiva would be far more likely to say in a classroom discussion "yesterday the Rav told us..."

  • Well, I saw her yesterday.
  • B: Fortunately, I found one yesterday.
  • Suddenly, Greek football was dismantled from yesterday's "bad guys" to end up in the hands of "bad" of yesterday, whose sins were purged in the backyard of the guided media army.
  • The distinction between recent past (today) and less recent pass (yesterday and beyond) is expressed by using the adverbs ileypelu ‘today’ and ileytika ‘yesterday’.
  • I publicly announced yesterday that I had accepted appointment as Australian Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland.

  • The words "yesterday" and "tomorrow" both translate to the same word in Hindi: कल ("kal"), meaning "[...] day remote from today."
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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