 Translation for 'young' from English to Greek
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ADJ   young | younger | youngest
NOUN1   a young | young
NOUN2   - | the young
SYNO Brigham Young | Cy Young | Danton True Young | ...
young {adj}νέος
1 translation
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Translation for 'young' from English to Greek

young {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • Young Women in Leadership is a group for young women in the school that discusses issues young women face to promote awareness.
  • In May 2011, Young started a foundation called "Young for Youth" to help at-risk youth and young families.
  • "Lionboy" is a children's and young adult's fantasy trilogy written by Zizou Corder (the shared pen-name of English novelist Louisa Young and her daughter Isabel Adomakoh Young).
  • Dale Crover made an appearance in Neil Young's video "Harvest Moon" playing Neil Young. This was largely due to his physical resemblance of the younger Young.
  • Presented by Young Artist Association, a non-profit organization, the Young Artist Awards are held annually to honor young performers.

  • Young's ancestors were linked to the Borders. Young, as expressed in his writings, was interested in the significance of boundaries between different cultures from a young age.
  • Andrew's Church, Walkerville, are dedicated to George Burney Young, his wife Nora Creina Young, another to Mrs.
  • The film revolves around the real life circumstances of every newlywed sweethearts. Young-min and Mi-young are a young couple who get married after graduating from college.
  • William Alfred Young (4 April 1863 – 1 July 1911) served as President of the Council, and Magistrate of the British Overseas Territory of Pitcairn Island three times, between 1897 and 1908.
  • The festival also hosts two young filmmaking competitions: The Leeds Young Filmmakers’ Golden Owl Awards[...] celebrates the best of young people's filmmaking across the city.

  • The charity works with seven priority groups: young hospital patients; disabled children and adults; young, young adult and adult carers; schoolchildren (and their teachers) in areas of deprivation; vulnerable older people; young and adult prisoners (and their families); and marginalised children and adults (including LGBTQ+ young people, homeless people and refugees).
© English-Greek dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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