Translation for '
caressing' from English to Hungarian
VERB | to caress | caressed | caressed caressing | caresses | |
SYNO | caressing | cuddling | fondling | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Sensations such as squeezing, pinching, caressing, poking and tickling can be induced by hand or mouth or by making use of a variety of implements.
- It depicts the heroine Isabella caressing the basil pot in which she had buried the severed head of her murdered lover Lorenzo.
- Duck brings flowers for Dan, who survived his suicide, at the hospital, and the movie ends with both men tenderly caressing each other.
- The night before Gaines trial is to begin, Cates is startled awake by a double barrel shotgun caressing her face.
- The video begins outside a house with many women posing on cars and caressing each other.
- Salome now declares her love for the severed head, caressing it and kissing the prophet's dead lips passionately.
- The evening wind caressing willow trees, the sound of the flute piercing the heart, sunset over mountains beyond mountains.
- For more than twenty years, Shedden swam with the crocodile in the river outside his home, mostly at night, talking and playing with Pocho while hugging, kissing and caressing him.
- This is the idea that sexual desire is just the desire for mutual baring and caressing.
- On the speed boat back to the beach, Rochelle spotted Tim caressing Anna's hand on the rail discreetly and made comment that Anna and Tim had a strong bond and that she needs to step it up.
- Lo's derrière, caressing his lady love's famous rear end as she shows off her fab figure in a black Basque and hellacious heels.
- Instead of the traditional multi-movement layout, which Akutagawa had used in his Shostakovichian Prima Sinfonia three years earlier, the Ellora Symphony is structured in fifteen sequences: eight caressing "feminine" fragments marked Adagio or Andante and seven aggressive "masculine" ones marked Allegro.
- when he is sleeping by laying next to him and caressing his forehead.
- George breaks into the closed gallery. While caressing the bronze nude, someone sneaks up behind him and smothers him with a sheet of clear plastic.
- Using caressing natural light, early morning breath, orange tone for the city, dusty green for the in doors locations like the house of Amal.
- Some people find whispering or breathing softly in the ear to be pleasurable and relaxing, as well as licking, biting, caressing and/or kissing it especially the area of and behind the earlobe.
- The street also has a bronze relief of a hand caressing a female breast.
- (Italian: "Caressingly") is a music term that is marked on sheet music to indicate that a piece is to be played in an expressive and caressing manner.
- The song is a breezy, sex & springtime-fresh midtempo track, with Gatie’s sparkling vocals caressing the sparse beat from producers DannyBoyStyles and Sam Wish.
- Several of these appeared also at the British Institution, together with "Returning Home", in 1833; "A Bacchante" in 1834; "Venus caressing her favourite Dove" in 1836; a "Wood-Nymph" in 1838; "The Graces" in 1840; and "Bacchus consoling Ariadne for the Loss of Theseus" in 1841.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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