 Translation for 'staff' from English to Hungarian
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NOUN1   staff [building material] | -
NOUN2   - | staff [employees; group of officers] [sg or pl in construction]
NOUN3   a staff [music] | staves
NOUN4   a staff [stick] | staffs / staves
VERB   to staff | staffed | staffed
staffing | staffs
SYNO faculty | staff | stave
(kiszolgáló) személyzetstaff
vonalrendszer {noun}
személyzet {noun}staff [personnel]
bot {noun}staff [stick]
zászlórúd {noun}flag staff
törzsőrmester {noun} <tőrm.> <OR-6>
staff sergeant [Am.] <SSG> <OR-6>
főtörzsőrmester {noun} <ftőrm> <OR-7>
staff sergeant [Br.] <SSgt> <OR-7>
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • His staff assignments were both afloat on a Carrier Battle Group staff and ashore on a fleet commander's staff, a Unified Commander's staff and in Washington, D.C.
  • The CAC Chief of Staff manages and oversees the activities of a coordinating staff and a special staff.
  • Employed were 40 managerial and supervisory staff, 31 clerical staff, 382 maintenance staff and 55 unskilled staff.
  • Currently, CCS has over 50 staff members, including janitorial staff, technical staff, office attendants, and those in charge of publications.
  • A 33-person staff (14 refuge staff, for both Alligator River and Pea Island national wildlife refuges, 7 Red Wolf Recovery staff, 8 fire staff, and 4 temporary staff) administer the refuge for the 42,000 visitors who visit annually.

  • The department employs about 1,600 staff, about one-quarter of whom are professional staff, half are technical-grade staff and the remainder are administrative and support staff.
  • State representatives are given year-round personal staff at the Capitol, as well as some staff who are shared between members.
  • Staff City: A few cabins located near the parking lot which house upper staff members including most of the Directors. Also used for staff at NYLT.
  • Richmond had an average of 163 staff, including 83 academic staff, 68 management and administrative staff and 12 technical staff, during the year ending 30 June 2017.
  • The staff is composed of more than 50 teachers, 20 educational assistants, office staff, culinary staff, a technician and custodial staff.

  • In early spring 1917 the name "War Staff" was abolished and a replaced by an Admiralty Naval Staff.
  • June 1, 2003, the "Armed Forces Staff" and "Joint Support Service Staff were combined into a common staff authority in the MOD.
  • According to a Sunday Times investigative report, Northcliff was named as Gauteng's least representative school staff-wise, with its academic staff consisting of 96% white staff members.
  • The Namibia Command and Staff College offers the Junior Staff Course (JSC) and the Senior Command and Staff Course (SCSC). It provides staff training to prepare students for staff appointments.
  • Infopro employs a staff of more than 250, with 70% technical staff, 20% support staff, and 10% business team.

  • The hospital attracted staff by offering subsidized housing on its grounds.
  • After 2010, "Courant" has offered early retirement and buyout packages to reduce staff as it continues to experience declines in advertising revenue.
  • His staff appointments include Personal Staff Officer to Chief of the Air Staff, Director Operations Project, Director Operational Requirement and Development, Assistant Chief of Air Staff (OR&D), Chief Project Director JF-17, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Personnel) at Air Headquarters and Vice Chief of the Air Staff.
  • During World War II, [...] served as tender and staff headquarters for Submarine Squadron 14's staff and Division Staff in Pearl Harbor from July to September 1943.
© Hungarian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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