 Translation for 'authorization to teach' from English to Icelandic
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kennsluréttindi {hv.ft}
authorization to teach
Partial Matches
framsalsheimild {kv}authorization to transfer
kennsluréttindi {hv.ft}
permission to teach
kennsluréttindi {hv.ft}
license to teach [Am.]
kennsluréttindi {hv.ft}
licence to teach [Br.]
koma e-m á lagiðto teach sb. how to do sth.
aðgangsheimild {kv}access authorization
kennato teach
uppfræða e-nto teach sb.
kenna e-m e-ðto teach sb. sth.
taka e-n í karphúsiðto teach sb. a lesson
við {prep} [+þf.] / [+þgf.]to
til {prep}to
unverified inn að {prep} [+þgf.]to
unverified yfir á {prep} [+þf.]to
yfir í {prep} [+þf.]to
næst {adv}next to
þurfa aðto have to
hjá {prep}next to
við hliðina á {prep}next to
nálægt {prep} [+þgf.]close to
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Zen master is a somewhat vague English term that arose in the first half of the 20th century, sometimes used to refer to an individual who teaches Zen Buddhist meditation and practices, usually implying longtime study and subsequent authorization to teach and transmit the tradition themselves.
  • Upon completion of studies, a turban was given for the students to wear along with an "ijazah" that allowed the students authorization to teach a specific subject or text.
  • In September 2010, Lama Drimed offered his resignation to the Board of Directors of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation from his positions as Spiritual Director and President of the Foundation, while remaining an ordained lama with authorization to teach the Great Perfection.
  • He received Nyoshul Khenpo's authorization to teach in 1993.
  • Rathkolb received his authorization to teach as a lecturer of contemporary history at the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna in 1993 and became a university professor and director of the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna in 2008.

  • In 1389 Gian Galeazzo Visconti sent him to Rome to the papal court of Boniface IX, entrusted with obtaining papal privileges for the University of Pavia, of authorization to teach theology and to enjoy the same conditions as the University of Bologna and that of Paris.
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