 Translation for 'meeting' from English to Icelandic
NOUN   a meeting | meetings
VERB   to meet | met | met
meeting | meets
SYNO coming together | confluence | encounter | ...
fundur {k}meeting
þing {hv}meeting [assembly]
ráðstefna {kv}meeting [conference]
2 Words: Nouns
ársfundur {k}annual meeting
ársþing {hv}annual meeting
aðalfundur {k}annual meeting
ríkisstjórnarfundur {k}
cabinet meeting
nefndarfundur {k}committee meeting
umræðufundur {k}discussion meeting
neyðarfundur {k}
emergency meeting
félagsfundur {k}general meeting
átakafundur {k}heated meeting
upplýsingafundur {k}information meeting
fjöldafundur {k}mass meeting
fjöldasamkoma {kv}mass meeting
fundahöld {hv.ft}meeting activities
fundarsókn {kv}meeting attendance
fundargestur {k}meeting attendee
fundarmaður {k}meeting attendee
fundarbók {kv}meeting book
fundargögn {hv.ft}meeting documents
fundarstjórn {kv}meeting management
þingheimur {k} [gamalt]meeting participants {pl}
fundarsókn {kv}meeting participation
félagsaðstaða {kv}meeting place
fundarstaður {k}meeting point
stefnumótsstaður {k}meeting point
fundarsalur {k}meeting room
fundarherbergi {hv}meeting room
fundarseta {kv}meeting session
fundarborð {hv}
meeting table
fundarefni {hv}meeting topic
félagsfundur {k}members' meeting <MM>
útifundur {k}outdoor meeting
undirbúnings­fundur {k}preparatory meeting
verkefnafundur {k}project meeting
starfsmannafundur {k}
staff meeting
hluthafafundur {k}stockholders' meeting
leiðtogafundur {k}
summit (meeting)
íbúafundur {k}tenants' meeting
3 Words: Verbs
kalla saman fundto call a meeting
slíta fundito close a meeting
fundato hold a meeting
þingato hold a meeting
halda fundto hold a meeting
setja fundto open a meeting
3 Words: Nouns
aðalfundur {k}annual general meeting
framhaldsfundur {k}follow-up meeting
foreldrafundur {k}
parent-teacher meeting
4 Words: Nouns
unverified aðalfundarstörf {hv.ft}annual general meeting tasks
fundarboð {hv}calling of a meeting
unverified framhaldsaðalfundur {k}second annual general meeting
5+ Words: Others
Fund skal halda mánaðarlega.A meeting must / shall be held once a month.
Fundurinn verður á morgun.The meeting will be held tomorrow.
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Translation for 'meeting' from English to Icelandic

fundur {k}
meeting [assembly]
þing {hv}
meeting [conference]
ráðstefna {kv}

annual meeting
ársfundur {k}

ársþing {hv}

aðalfundur {k}
cabinet meeting
ríkisstjórnarfundur {k}stjórn.
committee meeting
nefndarfundur {k}
discussion meeting
umræðufundur {k}
emergency meeting
neyðarfundur {k}stjórn.
general meeting
félagsfundur {k}
heated meeting
átakafundur {k}
information meeting
upplýsingafundur {k}
mass meeting
fjöldafundur {k}

fjöldasamkoma {kv}
meeting activities
fundahöld {hv.ft}
meeting attendance
fundarsókn {kv}
meeting attendee
fundargestur {k}

fundarmaður {k}
meeting book
fundarbók {kv}
meeting documents
fundargögn {hv.ft}
meeting management
fundarstjórn {kv}
meeting participants {pl}
þingheimur {k} [gamalt]
meeting participation
fundarsókn {kv}
meeting place
félagsaðstaða {kv}
meeting point
fundarstaður {k}

stefnumótsstaður {k}
meeting room
fundarsalur {k}

fundarherbergi {hv}
meeting session
fundarseta {kv}
meeting table
fundarborð {hv}húsg.
meeting topic
fundarefni {hv}
members' meeting <MM>
félagsfundur {k}
outdoor meeting
útifundur {k}
preparatory meeting
undirbúnings­fundur {k}
project meeting
verkefnafundur {k}
staff meeting
starfsmannafundur {k}atv.
stockholders' meeting
hluthafafundur {k}
summit (meeting)
leiðtogafundur {k}stjórn.
tenants' meeting
íbúafundur {k}

to call a meeting
að kalla saman fund
to close a meeting
að slíta fundi
to hold a meeting
að funda

að þinga

að halda fund
to open a meeting
að setja fund

annual general meeting
aðalfundur {k}
follow-up meeting
framhaldsfundur {k}
parent-teacher meeting
foreldrafundur {k}mennt.

annual general meeting tasks
unverified aðalfundarstörf {hv.ft}
calling of a meeting
fundarboð {hv}
second annual general meeting
unverified framhaldsaðalfundur {k}

A meeting must / shall be held once a month.
Fund skal halda mánaðarlega.
The meeting will be held tomorrow.
Fundurinn verður á morgun.
Usage Examples English
  • Meetings other than annual general meeting are called Extraordinary General Meeting.
  • Officers of the corporation are elected by the School Meeting, meeting as the corporation, at its annual meeting.
  • Since 1925, there has been one unprogrammed Friends' meeting, Hill House Meeting, in the tradition of London Yearly Meeting, attached to Achimota School and college.
  • Participants in the Bilderberg meeting have stated that O'Leary was invited to attend the 2015 meeting. He was later seen attending its 2017 meeting.
  • CMS organizes two bilingual Meetings each year: the CMS Winter Meeting is normally held during the first weekend of December and the CMS Summer Meeting during the first weekend of June.

  • In 1786, the first meeting (similar to a congregation in other denominations) was established at Roaring Creek under the sponsorship of Exeter Monthly Meeting.
  • Built in 1839 and founded as the Oxford Preparative Meeting sponsored by the Fallowfield Monthly Meeting.
  • The Stadium Nord hosts every year since 1988 an international meeting of track and field (formerly called "meeting open Gaz de France", then "Open du Nord" and now "meeting d'athlétisme Lille Métropole").
  • By 1984 the membership of the meeting was reduced to 14 members, and the meeting began the process of being "laid down" or discontinued.
  • Meeting House of the Friends Meeting of Washington (Friends Meeting House) is a historic Quaker meeting house at 2111 Decatur Place in NW Washington, DC.

  • Meeting Wizard is meeting scheduling software that helps perform the meeting scheduling process smoothly.
  • The Nine Partners Monthly Meeting continues as a part of the New York Yearly Meeting.
  • The society hosts an annual meeting every April. The meeting is open to anyone.
  • Papaflessia (...) is an annual international track and field meeting that is held in Kalamata, Greece. The meeting falls within the European Athletic Association's calendar of meeting.
  • Four Quaker meetings had disowned Lay for his inconvenient campaigning.

    © Icelandic-English dictionary 2024
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!