Translation for '
taxable' from English to Icelandic
ADJ | taxable | - | - | |
SYNO | nonexempt | taxable |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Thus, one must determine whether the receipts, in lieu of which the damages compensate, would have been taxable.
- In other words, it means reconciliation of accounting income with taxable income, because not all accounting income is taxable.
- Bodie and Crane studied TIAA-CREF participants and concluded that investors chose similar asset allocations in their taxable and tax-deferred accounts, with little apparent regard for the benefits of tax efficient asset location.
- Taxable and non-taxable income are defined differently by different taxing authorities.
- Property acquired in a non-taxable exchange takes the basis of the property exchanged.
- Income tax is imposed as a tax rate times taxable income.
- Goods purchased to be used as ingredients in manufacturing tangible personal property are generally not taxable.
- The provisions of the act applied to the taxable year of 1932 and all subsequent taxable years.
- Loan-out corporations are able to defer their taxable income to the following taxable year. This is a result of the corporation being able to select its taxable year of income, from any fiscal year.
- For example, four groups of natural subjects were divided into persons of taxable and non-taxable status.
- 45 (Business-to-Consumer transactions) of the VAT Directive, Art 19 of the Regulation clarifies that taxable persons or legal persons deemed to be taxable persons who receive services exclusively for private use, including by their staff, shall be regarded as non taxable persons.
- In order to make a contribution, one must have taxable compensation (not taxable income from investments).
- Alternative minimum taxable income is regular taxable income, plus or minus certain adjustments, plus tax preference items, less the allowable exemption (as phased out).
- First: Are damages for the destruction of business good will taxable income—or a return of capital, of which any recovery of basis is non-taxable?
- In the UK gambling by individuals, including matched betting, is not taxable as gamblers usually lose; if it were taxable there would have to be tax relief for losses.
© Icelandic-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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