Translation for '
tough' from English to Icelandic
ADJ | tough | tougher | toughest | |
SYNO | bad | baffling | bully | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
5 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Tough Toby is a boy in Henry's class who is tough. He invited Henry to his party at Lazer Zap in "Horrid Henry's Birthday Party" in the books.
- In this theory, laws are instruments of oppression: tough on the powerless and less tough on the powerful.
- Caught between life, love, and pursuit of the perfect cast-on, these three friends learn that there are never any easy answers, except maybe one-that when the going gets tough, the tough gets knitting.
- Lewis, 191 cm and 99 kg, was a tough, hard ruckman who could carry the rucking load for the team during tough periods.
- As a candidate for Maricopa County Attorney, Andrew Thomas campaigned on "tough on crime, tough on illegal immigration" principles, and promised to stop illegal immigration.
- -tough is co-NP-complete. That is, the decision problem whose answer is "yes" for a graph that is not 1-tough, and "no" for a graph that is 1-tough, is NP-complete.
- They were well known as tough representatives of Kingston upon Hull, a big tough working class port city.
- Then she qualified in New Haven winning three tough matches but had a tough task in the first round and lost to Bartoli.
- Prior to the introduction of TPS cable, tough rubber sheathed (TRS) cable was used. Because of this, TPS is sometimes referred to as "tough plastic sheathed".
- As an adjective, it is equivalent to "tough" as in "It is tough" ("Está cabrón").
- When the going gets tough, the tough get going is a popular witticism in American English.
- In an interview, Debbrata Mukherjee said "It was really tough. It was tough to write about such a person neutrally with whom I have been roaming in the Khulna town for 12 years".
- He said "tough calls" such as allowing it were an option Trump was ready to take: "If experienced intelligence officials come to the President of the United States and say we think this terrorist has critical information and we need to obtain it and this is the only way we can obtain it—it's a tough call.
- Vanderbilt interim head coach Robbie Caldwell had a tough year in 2010 with injuries and tough schedule, going 2–10.
- Robert Ruark wrote the foreword for Stern's 1964 book, "An American in Rome", describing Stern as "a legend in modern Rome" who is "a tough boy, and... writes tough prose".
- Son Dae-Ho ([...]; born September 11, 1981) is a South Korean football player. Son is a tough defender who utilizes his own height and strong pressure. His nickname is 'tough guy' in K-League.
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