Translation for '
zircon' from English to Italian
NOUN | a zircon | zircons | |
SYNO | zircon | zirconium silicate |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Zircon is a zirconium silicate mineral with a chemical composition of ZrSiO4.
- The Acasta gneisses are geochemically similar to other Archaean complexes but, four billion years old, they contain even older zircon cores.
- Uranium-lead dating is usually performed on the mineral zircon (ZrSiO4), though other materials can be used.
- Zirconium silicate occurs in nature as mineral zircon.
- Generally, as zircon is the most valuable component and a critical ore component, high-zircon sands are the most valuable.
- One of the names suggested for the Amstrad PCW was the Zircon, on the grounds that zircon was "a Diamond substitute". This name was rejected.
- Due to their rarity fancy-colored diamonds are also imitated, and zircon can serve this purpose too.
- Detrital zircon geochronology yields a minimum age for the source regions of 1665 Mya, consistent with the formation being deposited in an extensional basin (the Pilar basin) opened during the transition from the Yavapai orogeny to the Mazatzal orogeny.
- Depending on the detrital zircon study, there should be different variables included for analysis.
- Reidite is a rare polymorph of ZrSiO4 created when zircon experiences high pressure and temperature.
- Titanium in zircon geothermometry is a form of a geothermometry technique by which the crystallization temperature of a zircon crystal can be estimated by the amount of titanium atoms which can only be found in the crystal lattice.
- Zircon Club was established in year 2010 at Poornima College of Engineering.
- Some minerals such as quartz and zircon are highly resistant to alteration under normal weathering conditions.
- Uranium–lead dating is often performed on the mineral zircon (ZrSiO4), though it can be used on other materials, such as baddeleyite and monazite (see: monazite geochronology).
- An example of a metamict mineral is zircon. The presence of uranium and thorium atoms substituting for zirconium in the crystal structure is responsible for the radiation damage in this case.
- In natural zircon [...] part of the zirconium is replaced by the very similar hafnium and so natural zircon is never pure [...].
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