Translation for '
ab' from English to Norwegian
NOUN | an ab | [usually in the plural] abs | |
SYNO | AB | Ab | ab | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Olson became CEO of AB Afoma and chairman of the board of Nyge CSE Aviation AB (Saab Nyge Aero AB from 1999) as well as a board member of Volvo lastvagnar AB, Celsius AB and Maynard AB.
- The largest employers are Electrolux home products and Katrinefors bruk, a part of Metsä Tissue AB.
- Public ab anbars were often built wherever demand dictated.
- Spanish "ab initio," Mandarin "ab initio" and French "ab initio" are offered online to students enrolled in the IB Diploma Programme.
- He was a grandson of Cadell ab Einion ab Owain ab Hywel Dda and a great-grandson of Einion ab Owain, thus a descendant of Hywel Dda, king of the Britons.
- "Ab epistulis" wrote in Latin ("ab epistulis latinis") and in Greek ("ab epistulis graecis"), and composed the short responses to petitions on behalf of the emperor.
- 5-fluoro-AB-PFUPPYCA contains some similar structural elements to other synthetic cannabinoids such as AB-CHFUPYCA, JWH-307, JWH-030, JWH-147, AB-PINACA.
- AB-CHFUPYCA (also AB-CHMFUPPYCA) is a compound that was first identified as a component of synthetic cannabis products in Japan in 2015.
- 1991 Cibes Elevator AB (now Cibes Lift AB) was formed with sales and marketing.1992 Cibes Elevator AB moved to new and more suitable premises to meet the expected expansion.
- Records from Africa (ab. "mediofusca") and from the Moluccas eastwards to the Bismarck Archipelago (ab.
- The poem is written in lines of 11 syllables, in ottava rima (rhyming ab ab ab cc).
- AB Disques is a record label created by AB Productions in 1991 to release the records of their house singers.
- On September 1, 2007, Pharmadule Emtunga AB has established its two operating divisions into two separate companies: Pharmadule AB and Emtunga Offshore AB.
- Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd ([...] – 1203) was Prince of Gwynedd from 1170 to 1195. For a time he ruled jointly with his brothers Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd and Rhodri ab Owain Gwynedd.
- Stena Trade & Industry AB is the owner of BatteryLoop Technologies AB that builds stationary energy storage systems from batteries that are designed for electric vehicles.
- Companies located in the city are Wiwood AB, Wiwood Cutting AB, Emmaljunga Barnvagnsfabrik AB, Grus & Makadam AB, Emmaljunga Torvmull AB, and Emmaljunga Torv Försäljnings AB.
© Norwegian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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