 Translation for 'abbess' from English to Norwegian
NOUN   an abbess | abbesses
SYNO abbess | mother superior | prioress
abbedisse {m/f}abbess
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Translation for 'abbess' from English to Norwegian

abbedisse {m/f}
Usage Examples English
  • The abbey belongs to the Mehrerau Congregation. The present abbess is Mother Maria Bernadette Hein, the 46th abbess since its foundation. She succeeded Mother Adelgundis Selle in 2001.
  • Emperor Frederick II granted the abbey "Reichsunmittelbarkeit" in 1218, thus making it territorially independent of all authority save that of the Emperor himself, and increasing the political power of the abbess.
  • She was still abbess in 1445 and died the following year.
  • ... 1534) was an English abbess of Wilton Abbey. She was the penultimate abbess whose election was debated by Cardinal Wolsey and Anne Boleyn before Henry VIII, the abbey's patron, chose her.
  • On June 21, 853, Louis the German founded the abbey at Fraumünster, placing his daughter Hildegard as the abbess, while her younger sister Bertha succeeded her as abbess of Münsterschwarzach.

  • Baugeid Dagsdatter (died after 1161) was a Norwegian abbess. She was traditionally the first abbess of the Gimsøy Abbey, one of the first convents in Norway, upon its foundation.
  • became the first abbess of Kirkjubæjar Abbey in 1189, three years after its foundation by Bishop Þorlákur Þórhallsson, and thereby the first abbess in Iceland.
  • Valborg Joakimsdotter Fleming (died after 1542) was a Finnish abbess. She was the abbess of Nådendal Abbey in 1526–1531.
  • Agnes II de Dammartin (fl. 1507), was a German-Roman monarch as Princess Abbess of the Imperial Remiremont Abbey in France. She was abbess from 1505 until 1507.
  • Katharina von Zimmern (1478 – 17 August 1547), also known as the imperial abbess of Zürich and Katharina von Reischach, was the last abbess of the Fraumünster Abbey in Zürich.

  • Margareta Gustafsdotter or Margareta Göstafsdotter (floruit 1324), was a Swedish noble landowner and abbess.
  • ... –1568), was a German-Roman monarch as Princess Abbess of the Imperial Remiremont Abbey in France.
  • Anna Salome of Manderscheid-Blankenheim (12 December 1628 [...] 15 March 1691) was Abbess of Thorn Abbey from 1648 to 1688, and the abbess of Essen Abbey from 1688 until her death.
  • ... – 14 January 1044 or 1045), a member of the royal Ottonian dynasty was the second Princess-abbess of Quedlinburg from 999, and Abbess of Gernrode from 1014, and Abbess of Gandersheim from 1039 until her death, as well as a highly influential kingmaker of medieval Germany.
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