Translation for '
zoonosis' from English to Norwegian
NOUN | a zoonosis | zoonoses | |
SYNO | zoonosis | zoonotic disease |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- It is the most common pasteurellosis of poultry. As the causative agent is "Pasteurella multocida", it is considered to be a zoonosis.
- The "Anaplasma sparouinense" species is responsible for a rare zoonosis, the Sparouine anaplasmosis, detected only in French Guiana, South America.
- Human and vertebrates serve as the natural host. Transmission routes are zoonosis and fomite.
- Natural hosts of orthopoxviruses are mammals and arthropods. Member viruses are transmitted by respiratory droplets, contact, and zoonosis.
- "Leishmania" currently affects 6 million people in 98 countries. About 0.9–1.6 million new cases occur each year, and 21 species are known to cause disease in humans: it is considered a zoonosis.
- Peter Daszak is a British zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis.
- Rabies is a fatal, preventable zoonosis that infects the central nervous system of mammals, caused by the lyssavirus.
- Crocodiles serve as the natural host. Transmission routes are zoonosis and contact.
- Horseshoe bats are of particular interest to public health and zoonosis as a source of coronaviruses.
- Touching animals can result in the transmission of diseases between animals and humans (zoonosis) so it is recommended that people should thoroughly wash their hands before and after touching the animals.
- However, the bloodfeeding habits of this species should be investigated further to see if it plays a role in the maintenance of zoonosis.
- Infection causes mild gastrointestinal signs in young pigs and can also be transmitted as intestinal spirochetosis in humans, as it is a zoonosis.
- "Edwardsiella ictaluri" can be found in Asia and the United States, being of particular economic importance in the U.S. It is not a zoonosis.
- Goats are the only species affected, therefore the disease is not a zoonosis. There is no age breed or sex predilection, but clinical signs are often worse in younger animals.
- The virus can be spread by both vertical and horizontal transmission. It is not a zoonosis, meaning that it cannot be transmitted to humans.
- Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis caused by ingestion of unpasteurized milk or undercooked meat from infected animals, or close contact with their secretions.
- A zoonosis may be defined as any disease and/or infection which is naturally transmissible between animals and man.
- Many hunters and traders are not aware of zoonosis and the risks of disease transmissions.
- A reverse zoonosis, also known as a zooanthroponosis (Greek [...] "animal", [...] "man", [...] ""disease") or anthroponosis, is a pathogen reservoired in humans that is capable of being transmitted to non-human animals.
- In the various chapters of the book, the author dwells on the analysis of a specific pathogen, starting from its discovery and studies on it: the Hendra virus in the first chapter; the Ebola virus in the second; the mathematical study of epidemics at the same time as the spread of malaria in the third; SARS in the fourth; bacterial zoonosis in the fifth chapter (Q fever, psittacosis and Lyme disease); the study of viral transmissibility from animal to man with the case study of herpes B in monkeys and hepadnaviruses from bats in the sixth and seventh chapters; HIV in the eighth chapter and finally some considerations on the evolution of epidemics in relation to the contribution that human activities have in the spread of zoonosis.
© Norwegian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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