 Translation for 'Warriors' from English to Polish
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NOUN   a warrior | warriors
Koszmar z ulicy Wiązów 3: Wojownicy snów
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
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Usage Examples English
  • The warriors meet discreetly at a nearby landmark where they depart to predetermined areas.
  • Much like in "Warhammer 40,000", Space Marine teams in "Kill Team" tend to be small teams of powerful warriors.
  • In 2014 Riding Into History again changed their charity to K9s For Warriors an organization that trains rescue dogs as service dogs for PTSD warriors.
  • After the battle, Little Owl, The Badger, and Turtle-at-Home returned south with most of the warriors who had accompanied the first two.
  • Tyr is part of a small group of Asgardian warriors who petition Odin for the lives of the Warriors Three and their guardsman ally.

  • Carrillo and his men fled from the canyon into the meadow, pulling the warriors in pursuit.
  • Appeared only fleetingly during the series. Mainly as cover for injured warriors. The biggest of all warriors weighing over 300 lbs.
  • This stratagem invented by Odysseus made it possible to take the city. Diomedes was one of the warriors inside. He slew many Trojan warriors inside the city.
  • Warriors have various stun and spell casting interrupt abilities.
  • The Nandi warriors had never encountered a foe armed with firearms before and they had to develop new military tactics to overcome the effectiveness of a large number of firearms.

  • Soon after Narváez took the village, Apalachee warriors began attacking the Europeans.
  • The object is for two opposing warriors to fight each other to establish which of them is the strongest or the "Bull" (Inkunzi).
  • Aztec rulers hosted feasts and dances in order to bring young warriors together or to celebrate the success of a warrior.
  • The people of Anam mobilized their youths, who lured the Edda warriors onto a boat.
  • Nude, bound warriors are often depicted on neck-jars. These depictions are not likely mythical creatures, but rather, ritualistic representations of warriors.

  • Jodhe borrows its name from the fact that great warriors were born at this place. That why it is called Jodhe (Warriors).
  • This vase also leads to clues about post-palatial Mycenaean warriors.
  • Led by Jera, the [...] is composed of mercenary warriors from various dimensions who join Jamahl for various reasons. Some of these warriors are humans wearing armor.
  • Aztec warriors were called a cuāuhocēlōtl [...].
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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