 Translation for 'warring' from English to Polish
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ADJ   warring | - | -
VERB   to war | warred | warred
warring | wars
SYNO belligerent | militant | war-ridden | ...
wojujące ze sobą partie {}
warring parties
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Translation for 'warring' from English to Polish

warring parties
wojujące ze sobą partie {}woj.
Usage Examples English
  • The story takes place ten years after an unspecified World War between two warring factions.
  • Peace was maintained among the seven coastal kingdoms by the “Pitu Ba’ba binanga” treaty, which essentially stated that the kingdoms had more to gain by living peacefully alongside each other than by warring for incidental gains in territory.
  • During WWII, all the major warring powers developed rangekeepers to different levels.
  • In Dumézil's view the figure of Quirinus became blurred and started to be connected to the military sphere because of the early assimilation to him of the divinised Romulus, the warring founder and first king of Rome.
  • As warring factions agreed to form a National Transitional Government in 1995, Sirleaf was named foreign minister.

  • Later subsequently was made prisoner while warring against the Protestants of Saintonge, who put him to death.
  • When the Spaniards came, they found scattered warring tribes of primitive Malays who settled in prosperous villages near the mouth and along the fertile plains of the historic Salog river basin.
  • These assumptions have become decreasingly accurate since the Second World War, as warring parties have increasingly deliberately targeted civilians and as the distinction between civilians and warring parties has become more opaque.
  • In July 1960, just after the end of the protests, the Bund dissolved into a number of warring factions over the question of who was to blame for the failure of the Anpo protests to stop the treaty from taking effect.
  • In May 2020, Special UN Envoy Geir Pedersen said that warring factions had indicated some willingness to have new peace talks.

  • "Lifekeeper" is a novel in which the world is controlled by warring military dictatorships.
  • He initiated peace negotiations between the warring Dalits and non-dalits in the village of Uthapuram and ensured the entry of Dalits in the temple.
  • Fightingtown is accurate preservation of its native Cherokee name, for near the site met warring tribal leaders.
  • But Turkish cargo ships were frequently sunk or damaged by the warring nations.
  • The vultures and the pigeons is a fable of Jean de la Fontaine adapted from a Latin original by Laurentius Abstemius, where it was titled "De acciptribus inter se inimicis quos columbae pacaverant" (The warring hawks pacified by doves).

  • Stewart came to a Supreme Court controlled by two warring ideological camps and sat firmly in its center.
  • An armistice is an agreement between warring factions to stop fighting.
  • Bhavani Shankar (Mukesh Rishi) and Narasimha (Jaya Prakash Reddy) are two warring leaders in that town.
  • The Warring States era philosopher Mozi (Micius) and his Mohist followers invented various siege weapons and siegecraft, including the Cloud Ladder (a four-wheeled, extendable ramp) to scale fortified walls during a siege of an enemy city.
  • The Agreement called for the establishment of a post-war two-year transitional government (National Transitional Government of Liberia) which would consist of 76 members: 12 each from the three warring parties; 18 from political parties; seven from civil society and special interest groups; and one from each of Liberia's 15 counties.

    © Polish-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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