 Translation for 'white-bellied' from English to Polish
bocian {m} białobrzuchy [Ciconia abdimii]
white-bellied stork
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Translation for 'white-bellied' from English to Polish

white-bellied stork
bocian {m} białobrzuchy [Ciconia abdimii]ptakT
Usage Examples English
  • Southern birds are white-bellied and have bright white tips to the outer tail feathers.
  • Migratory birds find refuge in the wetland and coastal regions and species that temporarily inhabit the area include the white-bellied sea eagle, Pacific swift and the Caspian tern.
  • These are White-bellied sea eagles "(Haliaeetus leucogaster)", Brown striped frog "(Limnodynastes peronii)", Lace monitor "(Varanus varius)", Black sheoak "(Allocasuarina littoralis)", Grass tree "(Xanthorrhoea spp.)", and others.
  • Spoons with mirror finishes are very effective when the sun is at a sharp angle to the water in the mornings or evenings because they generate the vibrations previously discussed and cause a glint of reflective sunlight that mimics the flash of white-bellied prey.
  • Falconer in Edinburgh University as a spontaneous variant arising in a colony of at least mildly inbred snowy-white bellied mice stock in 1948.

  • The most common pet species of hedgehog are hybrids of the white-bellied hedgehog or four-toed hedgehog ("Atelerix albiventris") and the North African hedgehog ("A.
  • The frog breeding program is seeking to increase populations of threatened species, including those listed as vulnerable "Spicospina flammocaerulea" (sunset frog) and "Geocrinia vitellina" (orange-bellied frog), and the critically endangered "Anstisia alba" (white-bellied frog), the latter species being one example of the zoo's success with its captive breeding programs, having bred and released 1,250 white-bellied frogs back into the wild.
  • The olive-backed oriole ("Oriolus sagittatus"), or white-bellied oriole, is a very common medium-sized passerine bird native to northern and eastern Australia and south-central New Guinea.
  • Tens of thousands of spinner dolphins, mostly eastern and white-bellied varieties, were killed in the 30 years after purse seine fishing for tuna began in the 1950s.
  • This species is closely related to, and fills the same ecological niche in Europe as, the pileated woodpecker of North America and the lineated woodpecker of South America, also being similar to the white-bellied woodpecker which is distributed to the south somewhat of the black woodpecker in Asia.

  • A young white-bellied sea eagle in its first year is predominantly brown, [...] with pale cream-streaked plumage on their head, neck, nape and rump areas.
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