Translation for '
wet' from English to Portuguese
ADJ | wet | wetter | wettest | |
NOUN | a wet | wets | |
VERB | to wet | wet / wetted | wet / wetted wetting | wets | |
SYNO | lactating | moisture | wet |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
5 translations
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Usage Examples English
- When these forces are calculated, a difference must be made between the wet on dry situation and the wet on wet situation.
- The flapper's technique has been developed from using a wet green pine bough, and wet burlap sacks in the rural south US, to swat the fire known as "wet sacking" a fire.
- The wet film method ensures quality control while the coating is still wet.
- In terms of Holdridge life zones, the park can be categorized into five ecosystems: lowland tropical wet forest, premontane tropical wet forest, lower montane wet forest, montane wet forest and subalpine wet forest (páramo).
- The plant prefers wet habitats, such as wet meadows, roadside ditches, pond margins, open marshes, and freshwater swamps.
- Pneumatic or pneumatic wet/dry vacuum cleaners are a specialized form of wet/dry models that hook up to compressed air.
- USBM index is positive for water-wet rocks, and negative for oil-wet systems.
- The climate is wet and cold, with wet rainy summers and severe winters.
- In Western media, wet markets have been portrayed during the COVID-19 pandemic without distinguishing between general wet markets, live animal wet markets, and wildlife markets, using montages of explicit images from different markets across Asia without identifying locations.
- The central zone has rain forests at higher altitudes and wet or very wet forests lower down.
- "Chrysops viduatus" occurs in wet meadows, mires, fens and wet woodlands. The larvae feed on organic matter in wet peaty detritus. Adults feed on large mammals including cattle, horses and deer.
- This grass grows in wet habitat, such as wet flatwoods and pond margins. It may be found in the ecotone between flatwoods and wet prairie habitat.
- It has been found in a variety of moist and forested habitats, including wet lowland and rainforest, tropical rainforests, pine or oak forests, wet montane forest, and in mature wet forest.
- Wet bars are found in homes for entertainment purposes.
- The Scottish band Wet Wet Wet took their name from a line in the track "Gettin' Havin' & Holdin'" – "it's tired of joking ... wet, wet with tears".
© Portuguese-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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