NOUN | a pencil sharpener | pencil sharpeners | |
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Usage Examples English
- From 1908, the pencil sharpener industry, which at times served 80% of the world market, also achieved global importance.
- The outer casing may be made of wood (like an ordinary pencil) and sharpened with a knife or pencil sharpener.
- A month prior, 12-year-old schoolgirl Shanni Naylor was scarred when another girl slashed her face with a pencil sharpener blade.
- Veronica takes out the pencil sharpener and states fakery that she knows who collected Abel Koontz's accounts.
- While his son is distracted he kills the guards using a pencil sharpener blade and flees with his son.
- A former teacher described him as "very disturbed" and recounted having to take him to a psychiatric facility after he started carving into his face with the blade of a pencil sharpener.
- The gorge is a class IV to V+ depending on the flow of the river and home to the notable rapids including Rooster's Tail, Pencil Sharpener, The Pinch, Pigs Trough and Hells Gate.
- Successfully patented first electric razor in May 1930. Also patented the General Jacobs Boat for use in shallow water, and an improved pencil sharpener.
- The major competitor in the pencil sharpener category is Bostitch.
- An illustration of a mere aggregation would be the "combination" of a bathtub and a pencil sharpener.
- The series ended after the 1987 general election; this was explained by "Private Eye" as happening because Stubble "was tragically lost in action in the last week of the war, believed to have been hit by a stray pencil sharpener".
- Hindustan Pencils' products include: "621", "Bold", "Marble" (pencils) and "Dust Clear" (eraser) under the Nataraj brand; "Platinum", "Absolute" (pencils) and "Long Point" (pencil sharpener) under the Apsara brand.
- The P&P Office Waste Paper Processor has been described by HowStuffWorks as looking like "a three-hole punch crossed with an electric pencil sharpener".
- A pencil sharpener (also referred to as pencil pointer or in Ireland as a parer or topper) In 1833 in England, Cooper & Eckstein patented the so-called Styloxynon, a simple device consisting of two sharp files set together at right angle in a small block of rosewood.
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