 Translation for 'µsec' from English to Russian
микросекунда {ж} <µs, мкс>
microsecond <µs, µsec>
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Translation for 'µsec' from English to Russian

microsecond <µs, µsec>
микросекунда {ж} <µs, мкс>един.
Usage Examples English
  • SEL's first computers the 810 & 840 use all silicon monolithic integrated circuits. The 810 has a 16 bit word size while the 840 has a 24 bit word size. Core memory for both is in 4096 word increments up to 32,768 words with a 1.75 μsec machine full cycle time. They featured a complete software package for real-time applications and a FORTRAN package for off-line scientific computation. Options included external disk or drum storage and any "standard" peripheral.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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