 Translation for '.pt' from English to Russian
VERB   to PT | PTed | PTed
PTing | PTs
пинта {ж}
pint <p., pt.>
Португалия {ж}
Portugal <.pt>
2 translations
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Translation for '.pt' from English to Russian

pint <p., pt.>
пинта {ж}един.
Portugal <.pt>
Португалия {ж}геогр.
Usage Examples English
  • The official website,, is the main means of communication for the organization.
  • .pt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Portugal and is managed by Associação DNS.PT.
  • ... , FCCN), a non-profit organisation who managed the .pt domain name, transferred the rights and obligations managing the top level domains to DNS.PT in 2014.
  • The album was included by on its 2009 list of the 50 greatest Portuguese albums of the past 50 years and was ranked as the seventh best Portuguese album of the 1970s.
  • The album has been included by on its 2009 list of the 50 greatest Portuguese albums of the past 50 years and was ranked as the second best Portuguese album of the 1960s.

  • Some websites such as, as of 11 November 2016, confuse him with Abengunrin Lukman Adefemi, who played with Crown F.C. in 2013 and FK Javor Ivanjica in 2013–14.
  • ComparaJá.pt is an online platform for aggregating, comparing and analyzing financial products and services.
  • A late-life photo of her appears with her obituary on a Portuguese government site,
  • ... between 1996 and 2002, he also launched the Entrepreneurs Academy.
  • MMM also contains the file "", a list of abbreviations specific to the Portuguese language, based on English and German versions already available with the Moses package.

  • The Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon publishes the official time via the Network Time Protocol (NTP), e.g. via "" and "".
  • The official website of RTP Desporto is, and one of the most visited of the News division of the RTP website.
  • In 2008, re-branded to in attempt to make the Social networking site go international.
  • According to the website, the 2012–13 roster features a number of players from local clubs such as Ponte De Barca and Proselense.
  • This code contains useful information for developers who want to write software that can convert, view, play, or edit Power Tab (.ptb) files.

  • .PT is the designated IANA representative as responsible entity for the delegation of the .pt ccTLD.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!