 Translation for 'Achilles tendon' from English to Russian
NOUN   an Achilles tendon | Achilles tendons
SYNO Achilles tendon | tendon of Achilles
ахиллово сухожилие {с} [Tendo calcaneus / Tendo Achillis]
Achilles tendon [also Achilles' tendon]
Ахиллес {м}
Ахилл {м}
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The tour was eventually cancelled after de la Rocha tore his Achilles tendon halfway through the second show.
  • The red kangaroo's legs work much like a rubber band, with the Achilles tendon stretching as the animal comes down, then releasing its energy to propel the animal up and forward, enabling the characteristic bouncing locomotion.
  • Some models consist of elliptically contoured cuffs so that they widely adapt to the anatomy of the ankle, minimizing pressure on the Achilles' tendon.
  • Cowdrey broke the Achilles tendon in his left heel three weeks into the 1969 season and he could not play until the last match in September.
  • In particular, a study showed that disuse of the Achilles tendon in rats resulted in a decrease in the average thickness of the collagen fiber bundles comprising the tendon.

  • During the year 1991, she was troubled by an Achilles tendon injury.
  • The Achilles tendon is the muscle tendon of the triceps surae, a "three-headed" group of muscles—the soleus and the two heads of the gastrocnemius.
  • Nathan van Berlo missed the entire 2014 season after injuring his right Achilles tendon in pre-season training. Rory Sloane and Patrick Dangerfield acted as co-captains during his absence.
  • Nixon suffered an ailing Achilles tendon in 1987–88 season, while number one draft pick rookie Danny Manning injured his anterior cruciate ligament during the 1988–89 campaign.
  • However, they lost starter Spencer 34 games into the season with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

  • Bailey ruptured his Achilles tendon while playing basketball during the post season of 1998, which effectively began the end of his athletics career.
  • He greatly advanced knowledge of venereal disease and introduced many new techniques of surgery, including new methods for repairing damage to the Achilles tendon and a more effective method for applying ligature of the arteries in case of an aneurysm.
  • The Achilles tendon or heel cord, also known as the calcaneal tendon, is a tendon at the back of the lower leg, and is the thickest in the human body.
  • Dokic then received a qualification wildcard into the Hobart International but withdrew before her first match because of an Achilles tendon injury.
  • She began to train on a bike after achilles tendon problems.

  • Enthesitis also occurs in about one-third of patients with acute sarcoid arthritis, mainly affecting the Achilles tendon and heels.
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