 Translation for 'Alexander' from English to Russian
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NOUN   alexander | alexanders
SYNO Alexander | Alexanders | Alexander the Great | ...
Александр {м}
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Translation for 'Alexander' from English to Russian

Александр {м}оном.
Usage Examples English
  • After the alexander great, they spread terror over russia, Europe to Macedonia to other region in asia.
  • "Cosberella lamaralexanderi", or the Lamar Alexander springtail, is a species of springtails native to the southern Appalachian Mountains of the United States.
  • Viva went on to the final round to compete in a 4-Way Elimination match against AEW's Vance / Number 10 of the Dark Order, Alpha Zo, and Titus alexander.
  • BBC Worldwide, 1998. Alexander Street
  • He died at Pinkieburn House just south of Musselburgh and is buried nearby in Inveresk Churchyard. The grave lies in the south-east corner in the plot of Sir alexander Hope.

  • "Iolaus alexanderi", the Alexander's sapphire, is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. It is found in Ivory Coast (Taï National Park). The habitat consists of wet rainforests.
  • In January 2014, von Bergen presented the exhibition "Prey Voidant" at the gallery alexander levy in Berlin.
  • In 1992, the firm did a management buyout of alexander & alexander's stake.
  • Prairie forbs include (in spring) golden alexander and Lambert's crazyweed; (in summer) sawtooth sunflower and prairie rose; and (in fall) Missouri goldenrod, New England aster and dotted gayfeather.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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