 Translation for 'Amazon' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   an Amazon | Amazons
NOUN2   the Amazon [river] | -
NOUN3   an amazon [parrot] | amazons
SYNO Amazon | amazon | Amazon River | ...
амазонка {ж}
Амазонка {ж}
River Amazon [Br. usage]
синешапочный амазон {м} [Amazona finschi]
Finsch's amazon
синешапочный амазон {м} [Amazona finschi]
lilac-crowned amazon
краснозобый амазон {м} [Amazona arausiaca]
red-necked amazon
желтоуздечный амазон {м} [Amazona xantholora]
yellow-lored amazon
желтоуздечный амазон {м} [Amazona xantholora]
Yucatan amazon
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • In May 2019, ICANN decided in favor of granting exclusive administration rights to for the .amazon gTLD after a 7 year long dispute with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).
  • Amazon first started operations in India in 2004 from Hyderabad.
  • British ornithologist David Lack considered that the Puerto Rican amazon had evolved from the Hispaniolan amazon ("A. ...
  • The southern mealy amazon was formerly considered conspecific with the northern mealy amazon. The species were split based on the results of a genetic study published in 2012.
  • The red-necked amazon ("Amazona arausiaca"), also known as the red-necked parrot, Dominican blue-faced amazon, lesser Dominican amazon, and Jaco parrot, is an amazon parrot endemic to Dominica.

  • Amazon stone, or amazonite, is a green variety of microcline.
  • "Straneotia amazonica", the Amazon slim arboreal carabid, is a species of beetle in the family Carabidae. It is found in western Amazon Basin.
  • In 2018, Rosenkranz debuted "Amazon Spirits (Green Blood)" at Karma International in Zurich to explore the intersection between the Amazonian rainforest and, Inc.
  • The Tres Marías amazon ("Amazona tresmariae") is an Amazon parrot in the family Psittacidae.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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