Translation for '
Arctic' from English to Russian
ADJ1 | arctic | more arctic | most arctic | |
ADJ2 | Arctic | - | - | |
NOUN | the Arctic | - | |
SYNO | Arctic | arctic | Arctic Zone | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The subarctic climate and barrenlands terrain support barren-ground caribou, grizzly bear, muskoxen, Arctic hare, and Arctic fox. The lake's fish include searun Arctic char.
- Arctic cod - Arctic cod are found in massive schools throughout the arctic every year. Many animals dine on these small fish, so they survive based upon their large numbers.
- From 1977 to 1985, while working for the Mayor's Office of the North Slope Borough, he published the Arctic Coastal Zone Management Newsletter and The Arctic Policy Review, both monthly publications that covered arctic-resource conflicts between the multinational oil firms and local Iñupiat.
- The company also held some arctic natural gas interests through a wholly owned subsidiary, Canadian Arctic Gas Limited.
- File:Endangered arctic - starving polar bear edit.jpg|alt=An emaciated polar bear stands atop the remains of a melting ice floe.|Habitat destruction.
- CRREL staff continued to make a mark in polar research, both in the Arctic and Antarctic.
- CSIR NPL is also the part of India's arctic expeditions.
- A conversation with Lars-Erik Liljelund at a 1997 meeting of the Arctic Council led to the establishment of a new framework for arctic environmental research, the University of the Arctic, which was founded the following year as something that could "combine the limited resources of the eight Arctic countries" but not be limited itself by national policies and attitudes.
- The Netherlands Polar Programme is the national coordinator of the Dutch representation in the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs, International Arctic Science Committee, European Polar Board, Forum of Arctic Research Operators and Arctic Funders Forum.
- Land mammals in the ecoregion include arctic hare ("Lepus arcticus"), arctic fox ("Alopex lagopus"), caribou ("Rangifer tarandus"), and Polar bears ("Ursus maritimus").
- The Arctic Technology Conference is an OTC event that covers the technical challenges that come along with exploration and production of petroleum and natural gas in the arctic.
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