 Translation for 'Asclepius' from English to Russian
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NOUN   Asclepius | -
SYNO Aesculapius | Asclepius | Asklepios
Асклепий {м}
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Translation for 'Asclepius' from English to Russian

Асклепий {м}миф.
Usage Examples English
  • The rod of Asclepius is named after the god of medicine, Aesculapius or Asclepius.
  • The Rod of Asclepius takes its name from the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicinal arts in ancient Greek religion and mythology.
  • The Rod of Asclepius is a universal symbol for medicine to this day.
  • Starting around 350 BCE, the cult of Asclepius became increasingly popular.
  • In addition to statues which represent the two figures, the incorporation of Hygieia within the cult of Asclepius can also be seen in medical iconography on numerous ancient Graeco-Roman coins.

  • He survived, but became less active and renewed his devotion to Asclepius.
  • The logo of the BMA includes a stylised version of the rod of Asclepius, associated with Asclepius, the Greek god of healing.
  • According to the geographer Pausanias, although Eurypylus' father Telelphus was honored at the temple of Asclepius at Pergamon, because Eurypylus had slain Machaon, who was Asclepius's son, Eurypylus' name was never mentioned there.
  • Asclepius, Apollo's son, was the god of ancient Greek medicine, and was frequently shown holding a staff entwined with a snake.
  • In 2019, archaeologists found a bust of Serapis and a statue of Asclepius.

  • The Army Medical Department (AMEDD) has included the Rod of Asclepius in its regimental coat of arms since its foundation in 1863.
  • Notable sanctuaries of the region were of Asclepius at Tricca, of Aphrodite Kastnia at Metropolis and of Zeus at Pelinna.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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